Vu+ DUO2 not showing WLAN options. Need help


Vu+ Newbie
Hi, I bought this box in December last year. Only had WLAN options show once and that was when I was experimenting with different images. As I used homeplugs I didnt need wireless options anyway.

I now need to use the WLAN facility and cannot find any options to use it. I was using VIX and that never ever had it. Today Ive flashed the latest BH image and still there is nothing showing up when I try and find it, only the options for LAN.

Does anyone have any idea why I cannot see WLAN in the network settings?


Vu+ User+++
Have you the last bootloader CFE V2?
As you bought the Duo2 last December you probably have it already installed, but asking doesn't hurt...:)


Can you please try going into the menu, select Black Hole App's, scroll to the bottom and select Network Browse + Mount points.
Do you see the WLAN option listed?
If so highlight it and press the red button, on your remote.


Vu+ Newbie
Sorry about the delay in replying. I had to flash with BH again. I had tried OpenPLI and it also didn't have any WLAN options.

The only option in the Network Browse + Mount POints is "LAN connection".

I have seen some posts online with other people with a similar problem, but they seem to have resolved it by updating builds. It does not matter what build or what image I use, none of them have the option for WLAN, I would be suspicious mine was missing the hardware had it not been there when I first used the unit. It was always a bit difficult to find in the menus, even now where I am much more familiar with the interface, its simply not there.

The only time I physically opened up the unit was when I installed a HDD in it. I was careful and I think its unlikely I would have physically damaged anything. I've built my own PCs for a long time, so Im competent enough with that kind of thing.

EDIT: Update as you posted again while I was replying.

There is no option for WLAN in the Network settings. That is the first place I looked for it. Even during the connection wizard it finds only the LAN option.


Installing the HDD is straight forward, I did it myself, as soon as I got my VU+ Duo2, in a few minutes, so I can't see that being the problem.
Is WLAN listed in Menu, Setup, System, Network?
When doing a clean install, by USB, then you should have the option during the initial setup, to select LAN or WLAN, and once WLAN is selected the wizard should search for available connections and allow you to set it up.
Hopefully the option will be listed in Network, otherwise have you turned the WLAN option off, if that's even possible?


Vu+ Newbie
When I flash an image and it goes into the setup, it only has the option to use LAN for the internet connection. It does not provide any option at all for WLAN usage. I am not aware of anyway to turn of WLAN, and even if I had, reflashing the image would wipe everything back to default.

When I first bought this unit it had the option to use WLAN or LAN, so I know what you are referring to, but as I said, there is no mention of WLAN anywhere at all now and today I have tried new fresh installs of BlackHole, Open PLI and Vix. None have the WLAN option. Its getting rather frustrating I can tell you!


I ahven't got the WLAN working, I'm using a cable, from the receiver to router, but even so the option is listed in the Menu, Setup, System, Network, as WLAN USB.
I don't suppose you have a USB dongle, you can connect, to see if it's found?
Are you selecting the restore backup option, when installing a new image? As this might bypass the WLAN set up.
I would have thought the WLAN option would be listed, in the software, even if the WLAN wasn't working as it would only discover this when going through the network setup wizard.
I haven't upgraded to BH yet I'm still just using 2.1.0, as I fixed the teltext problem using the telnet option.


Vu+ User+++
If I were you I'd open the Duo2 again and disconnect/remove the HDD. Just to be sure it has nothing to do with your problem.


To me it sounds like you have a HW problem if you don't have the WLAN option with any image even on fresh install.

I would either, A) return to the dealer you purchased from and ask for a warranty repair, or B) open the Duo2 up, remove the front panel and check that both wires are connected to the Wi-Fi dongle securely (warning, by removing and stripping down the front panel, you might invalidate your warranty).


Vu+ Newbie
I think I will have to return it. I opened it all up, including the front panel and everything was connected and looked physically good. How annoying, now I just need to try and find my receipt!


BlackHole Driver Specialist
I think I will have to return it. I opened it all up, including the front panel and everything was connected and looked physically good. How annoying, now I just need to try and find my receipt!

Prior to send it back, could you please post here the output of command



Vu+ User+++
This is the Duo2 section!
Please open a new thread in the Duo forum section and explain your problem in deep details...:)