Vu+ Duo2 Temperatures


Vu+ Newbie
When I initially received my Duo2, the two dual tuners felt very hot at the F connectors. I had read on some forums that the tuner area temps were rather high for some other users too. Some said it was normal. For me, I felt the temps were too high to the touch at the F connectors. I measured the temps with a digital laser thermometer and decided I would install a fan to lower the temperature.

I added a small cpu fan by using a velcro strip on the motherboard and bottom of the fan. This way, both could be peeled off in the future without damage. It did lower the temps of both tuners at idle (no recording, transcoding, etc) by ten degrees (F) from a high of 108-112 degrees at the F connectors. Nothing fantastic, but every little bit helps; plus I am sure it will extend longevity and keep the gremlins away. Using the fan control plugin makes it easier to control the speeds (temp and noise) since both fans are hooked up to the same pin out. Noise contribution was not much of a factor to me.

I may add an additional heat sink to the cpu later as it's currently running at 125 degrees with the existing black heatsink at idle. Hopefully, the BH coders will add an overclocking feature to improve the blind scan speed. AND, add the blind scan as an integral part of the BH code, rather than a plugin. Also, allowing us to select lnbs for std or universal scans. Would be a great New Year's gift! If they do, I would definitely add a robust heat sink, since there is ample room for the addition.

The hard drive is running at 95 degrees which is adequate. All temps were measured with the cover off.

z_Cpu fan for the tuners.jpg z_Connections to pin out.jpg
Hai provato gli ultimi driver o la nuova 2.0.8?
Chengelog update driver
- Support more video codecs in media playback.(OE 2.1 gstreamer)
- Reduce First picture display time(zapping time improvement : duo2, solo2)
- Support dual transcoding(duo2, Only 2nd transcoding is mutually exclusive with PIP)
- Improve PCM playback(solo, duo, uno, ulitmo)
- Support 3D surround (solo, duo, solo2, duo2)
- Support AVL(automatic volume leveler)(duo2, solo2)
- Support more proc entries to control duo2 transcoding.(Plugin will follow)
- Improve temperature control of dual tuner when not in use(duo2, uno, ultimo)
- FPGA update in solo2(done automatically in the first bootup after installation)
- Fix EOS deteciton in media(PCM) & TS playback
- Support AAC passthrough
- Remove unnecessary debug messages(duo2)
When I initially received my Duo2, the two dual tuners felt very hot at the F connectors. I had read on some forums that the tuner area temps were rather high for some other users too. Some said it was normal. For me, I felt the temps were too high to the touch at the F connectors. I measured the temps with a digital laser thermometer and decided I would install a fan to lower the temperature.

I added a small cpu fan by using a velcro strip on the motherboard and bottom of the fan. This way, both could be peeled off in the future without damage. It did lower the temps of both tuners at idle (no recording, transcoding, etc) by ten degrees (F) from a high of 108-112 degrees at the F connectors. Nothing fantastic, but every little bit helps; plus I am sure it will extend longevity and keep the gremlins away. Using the fan control plugin makes it easier to control the speeds (temp and noise) since both fans are hooked up to the same pin out. Noise contribution was not much of a factor to me.

I may add an additional heat sink to the cpu later as it's currently running at 125 degrees with the existing black heatsink at idle. Hopefully, the BH coders will add an overclocking feature to improve the blind scan speed. AND, add the blind scan as an integral part of the BH code, rather than a plugin. Also, allowing us to select lnbs for std or universal scans. Would be a great New Year's gift! If they do, I would definitely add a robust heat sink, since there is ample room for the addition.

The hard drive is running at 95 degrees which is adequate. All temps were measured with the cover off.
.. just wandering, fancontrol2 plugin uses config for 3 or 4 pins fans where duo2 has 2 pins only, also it seem to do nothing to fan speed control mean fan rpms are always the same no matter what temp is inside of the box... so thinking about simple 'hardware temp depending' fan(s) controller (plugged in between motherboard and fan itself) with own temp sensor(s).
it might be a good (if not the best) alternative to 'software' control.

I've read that FanControl2 is not compatible with Duo². Using Black Hole's fan control, I assume the coders made the necessary code changes so their version works with the Duo² because it does keep my receiver at a respectable temperature. See attached picture.

You can lower the temperature further by adding a lap top cooling pad underneath the receiver and it will go down another 1-2 C... your mileage will vary by the room temperature.
j "I need nfi file format for Vu + DUO2

Why do you need nfi image file format, nfi is an extension used on another manafacturer STB´s, Vuplus STB´s don´t need such extension to be flashed!

Note: You post is not on the correct section, this section is for hardware, not for firmware or STB software, you are O.T.

best regards
Your VU+ Duo 2 doesn't seem to be powering up properly, you're not even getting the usual boot up information, showing the bootloader.