Announcements Vu+ Duo2

Apart from everything, Solo2 and Duo2 were presented last year. So its a bit strange that its beeing sold so further in time.
My guess (its just a theory) they want to sell as many Solo2, in other words, they arent saying when Duo2 is released so the Solo2 isnt compromised.

Also, they would have launched Duo2 before if there was a decent alternative (with so good hardware) in the market, so they are stalling and winning market just with the Solo2. Another thing is that they want to launch a top class product with a software running great, and not make some previous mistakes, they have no pressure to do so.

Launching Duo2 could cannibalize (marketing) the Solo2, so they win a good profit margin with Solo2 before Duo2 and before they lower Solo2 price too.
Vu+ is very comfortable and they are becoming sharks in this market. Making the Rules and Rulling it.
I can not agree , it's just not true.
I do not know where you come to such conclusions.

VU + has its own scheme of work and as you know it is not just about the VU Duo2
but also abt XBMC ,which were previously announced than Duo2.

Of course they also take account abt developments in the market
but that is no argument for Duo2.
As we've seen Solo2 price is more than realistic
in relation to the major competition.

So this is pure speculation with no arguments.
Not saying its wrong, its the right move for Vu+ and i support 100% . It shows how good Vu+ is working things, they are in control, witch is also good for us. I expect a clean top product with Duo2 and it will be.

I prefer a mature development over an early launch and working out major updates afterwords.

Its my next buy, Vu+Duo2.
Iv managed to hold my Solo2 temptation, its a great buy also, iv been recommending it on forums, best Receiver overall.
Duo2 is in a final testing phase.
This phase could be short or long depending by all the hardware components stability.

As you can see in official Vu+ git the develop is going to stop in these weeks.
I think that all the Vu+ engineers and devel are currently very busy to finalize new products: duo2 and PrismCube.

Vu+ will not release new product until all the components will pass all the tests.
I think this is the correct way to have not a buggy boxe in the market and you know that not all companies follow this procedure and have this standard of quality.
I strongly agree with
As you can see in official Vu+ git the develop is going to stop in these weeks.
I think that all the Vu+ engineers and devel are currently very busy to finalize new products: duo2 and PrismCube.
and's just not true.
I do not know where you come to such conclusions.
But question is: Why is this topic not locked?
So much theories and gossips. Sorry moderators, next time lock. Anouncements are not for huge discussions as here.
Well, I think Nostradamus was not so perfect.... many provision was wrong, and other appeared just after the event occurred. Oh, maybe it used Duo2 many centuries before us! ahaha!!!
To be serious: Tomorrow we will be in May.... Waiting this unknown Duo2 or buying a good old Ultimo (not old)? What do you think?
Now I have many doubts about this new box, particularly when I read about Prismecube.... probably Vu+ is concentrating in this totally new and interesting project, and if Duo2 had development problem... Well, I'm not sure in it anymore. This is the reason I'm thinking at Ultimo, but I don't know. Your opinion?
Any rumour, (real) news, suggestion and so on is very appreciated.
Well, I think Nostradamus was not so perfect.... many provision was wrong, and other appeared just after the event occurred. Oh, maybe it used Duo2 many centuries before us! ahaha!!!
To be serious: Tomorrow we will be in May.... Waiting this unknown Duo2 or buying a good old Ultimo (not old)? What do you think?
Now I have many doubts about this new box, particularly when I read about Prismecube.... probably Vu+ is concentrating in this totally new and interesting project, and if Duo2 had development problem... Well, I'm not sure in it anymore. This is the reason I'm thinking at Ultimo, but I don't know. Your opinion?
Any rumour, (real) news, suggestion and so on is very appreciated.
If you don't want to wait for Duo2, you should take in account the Solo2.
It's the fastest and powerful receiver you can buy now ;)
Now I have many doubts about this new box, particularly when I read about Prismecube.... probably Vu+ is concentrating in this totally new and interesting project, and if Duo2 had development problem... Well, I'm not sure in it anymore..

Ok I am not 100% on this, but i'm sure someone will correct me if I am wrong.

1) Marusys (the parent company of Vu+) will be launching and looking after the Prismcube, therefore Vu+ themselves will not have anything to do with the development of it, as essentially they are 2 different company's.

2) If I remember correctly, the Ultimo arrived around 12 - 18 months after it was announced at Anga, everyone said that kept getting delayed, but the fact is, Vu+ never set a release date and it's the same with the Duo2. Was the Ultimo worth the wait ? Hell yes, will the Duo2 be worth the wait ? I damn well hope so :D
Don't understand..... could you please explain?
He means what vu duo 2 will be on shelves next month.
It a countdown-first they release drivers,next official image and then vu duo 2 ( which i hope will come at latest in the end of next month)