vu+ solo² hängt im endlos-loop


Vu+ Newbie
Hallo zusammen -

ich habe heute auf meine Solo² das Black Hole image aufgespielt. Soweit so gut. Lief auch prima. Dann habe ich vermeintlich harmlose add-ons eingespielt. Leider bekamm ich nach dem Neustart einen "green screen" (siehe angehängtes Bild) . Es scheint so, als ob das WebInterface Probleme mit einer IP-Adresse hat. Dieses kommt dann auch in einem endlos loop immer wieder. Ich habe bisher keine Möglichkeit gesehen, selber einzugreifen.

Auch ein erneutes Flashen via USB ist nicht von erfolg gekrönt, da die Box nach dem einstecken des USB-Sticks zu keinem Zeitpunkt in dem Boot-Modus geht.

Habe ihr irgend eine Idee, was ich noch tun kann?

Danke für eure Hilfe!!!
"C:\Users\d036769\Documents\_Working Docs\CW01\photo.JPG"


  • photo.JPG
    216.6 KB · Views: 30
Hi everyone again -

sorry. I just realized, that I wrote the above in German. Here is the translation of my problem in English:

I installed the black hole image today on the VU+ Solu2. Everything work fine so far. Thereafter, I applied a number of supposedly harmless add-ons. Unfortunately, I received a "green screen" after the restart (see image above). It seems as if the WebInterface is having an issue with an IP address. This error is coming again and again in an endless loop. I didn't find any opportunity to stop that loop and uninstall the add-on again.

Also a flashing the box again via USB doesn't work, as it is not going into the flashing-mode after restarting. Instead, it directly starts the box again with the same issue as described above.

Does anyone have further advise how to resolve the issue?

Thanks a lot in advance.
Before to try to reinstall the image, did you turn off the box by its rear switch?
You have to reflash.
First be sure that all usb are removed because if you have another usb the flash process will not start.
Connect Usb with black Hole image in front panel (not rear)
And reflash.

If reflash doesn't start. Format again usb in fat32 and reinstall image.
First be sure that all usb are removed because if you have another usb the flash process will not start.

Sorry but this not true, it is not recommended, but nothing happens

the flash process will start
Hi everyone again -

sorry. I just realized, that I wrote the above in German. Here is the translation of my problem in English:

I installed the black hole image today on the VU+ Solu2. Everything work fine so far. Thereafter, I applied a number of supposedly harmless add-ons. Unfortunately, I received a "green screen" after the restart (see image above). It seems as if the WebInterface is having an issue with an IP address. This error is coming again and again in an endless loop. I didn't find any opportunity to stop that loop and uninstall the add-on again.

Also a flashing the box again via USB doesn't work, as it is not going into the flashing-mode after restarting. Instead, it directly starts the box again with the same issue as described above.

Does anyone have further advise how to resolve the issue?

Thanks a lot in advance.

Very strange!
Your screenshot report some problems with old Webinterface from DMM and not OpenWebif included into BH images and Vu+ official images.
Reflash your box and don't replace system plugins like the one I wrote.
Hi all - quick update - I did find a resolution.

Thanks a lot for all you suggestions. Acutally, re flashing didn't work for reasons that I couldn't figure out. However, I found a solution. While the UI was locked in a constant loop that didn't allow for user intervention, I could access the box via FTP. After deleting the entire folder of the plug-in and restarting again, I could properly use the box again.
There is a better solution.
After a BH install, disable immediatly OpenWebif if you want to load some addons from BH server.
Because online load will install automatically for unknown reasons old Webinterface, which is enabled by default immediatly after reboot.
That is why you've got green screen, which you posted at beginning.
There was both OpenWebif and Webinterface enbled with the same port :80 and this was a reason of reboot loop.
You can verify, that after loading some addons (like I explained) you will find Webinterface in your plugins.
There is a better solution.
After a BH install, disable immediatly OpenWebif if you want to load some addons from BH server.
Because online load will install automatically for unknown reasons old Webinterface, which is enabled by default immediatly after reboot.
That is why you've got green screen, which you posted at beginning.
There was both OpenWebif and Webinterface enbled with the same port :80 and this was a reason of reboot loop.
You can verify, that after loading some addons (like I explained) you will find Webinterface in your plugins.

Into BH images THERE IS NOT PRESENT OLD WebInterface but ONLY OpenWebIf.
If you manually (or in unattended manner) install the very old buggy and bad WebInterface .... it's not an image problem.
Make more care about what you install in your box....

From BH Addon server IT'S IMPOSSIBLE to install old WebInterface ....
Into BH images THERE IS NOT PRESENT OLD WebInterface but ONLY OpenWebIf.
If you manually (or in unattended manner) install the very old buggy and bad WebInterface .... it's not an image problem.
Make more care about what you install in your box....

From BH Addon server IT'S IMPOSSIBLE to install old WebInterface ....

I'm confused now.
Because I've got the same green screen like this (beginning of thread) after fresh installation of BH 1.7.9-3 on my Solo2 at 28/01/2013 evening and after loading of fancontrol2 and filemanager.
You can see very well on the picture "Webinterface"!
I found after Webinterface in my list of plugins after reboot.
I'll try again this evening.

See, please, this one in Italian section

Thank you!
I'm confused now.
Because I've got the same green screen like this (beginning of thread) after fresh installation of BH 1.7.9-3 on my Solo2 at 28/01/2013 evening and after loading of fancontrol2 and filemanager.
You can see very well on the picture "Webinterface"!
I found after Webinterface in my list of plugins after reboot.
I'll try again this evening.

See, please, this one in Italian section

Thank you!

You have download your plugins from ???

Green Panel > Addons > Addons Download Manager > BlacK Hole Image Plugins
Menu - Plugins - Software Manager.
Isn't it the same like Green>Yellow ?
If not, that's why that "Webinterface" appears automatically!

Thanks Matrix10, you are great!

If you'll confirm, I'll try tonight and when I'll get an positive result, I'll post it in Italian section too for Italian BH lovers!
Good evening to Matrix10 and Angelofsky1980 too!
You were right. There is no Webinterface in Green Panel > Addons > Addons Download Manager > BlacK Hole Image Plugins.


I did AGAIN a fresh install of BH 1.7.9-3 on my Solo2 like before and I can confirm at 100% that there is something like "strange thing" in your image.
After a fresh installation I ONLY did an reboot and configured my WiFi to have an internet connection, I disabled OpenWebif and I did this:
Menu > Plugins > Red button (Manage Extensions). I waited for "BH Extensions management" until it loads. Afterthen I selected fancontrol2, red button back, yellow button proceed and OK button. After download it told me, that there was 3 packages installed (I could see during download, that BH is downloadig Webinterface). BH asked me to reboot, I did it.
Now I can fid in Menu > Plugins a Webinterface. When I go to "Manage extensions" I can find it in section "Multimedia" and when I do green button Uninstall, red button Back, yellow button Process, OK, BH tells me 0 packages removed.
It is present in BH Green Panel too.
It's impossible to remove it (from box menu). Please, remove it from repository of "BH Extensions management".

Thank you.

P.S. (This thread should be moved tu Vu+ Solo2 section)
I already told you not to use
Menu > Plugins > Red button (Manage Extensions).
This is a original VU + download panel.
We are not responsible for the plugins in this panel.
Some of these plugins do work, but some do not.
You have to download your plugins from
Green Panel > Addons > Addons Download Manager > Black Hole Image Plugins
or search on net and forum working plugins for BH images.

For now it's so
may be different in the future
Hi all - quick update - I did find a resolution.

Thanks a lot for all you suggestions. Acutally, re flashing didn't work for reasons that I couldn't figure out. However, I found a solution. While the UI was locked in a constant loop that didn't allow for user intervention, I could access the box via FTP. After deleting the entire folder of the plug-in and restarting again, I could properly use the box again.

Thanks for this. Saved me a lot of time re-flashing the image :)