VU Solo 1 image

I mean to flash original Vu+ image downloadable from link I posted before, not BH, to try to solve your problem.
Do you use front USB for flashing?
OK, other think, are you able to see files on your USB stick using some File Manager of your box? What size is your stick?
Did you try rear USB too?
I hope, that you unzipped the image files to USB key.
Hi Paolino

really appreciate your help. checked the caution clone and mine appears to be original as said before purchased from WOS the only difference I can see is that mine sais dolby digital plus on the front. I have tried the VTI image but this has made no difference I can get the image to load.
Seems, that your USB pen isn't recognized at boot, so try with some older one (I used old Pretec 2GB, Kingston 4GB and Emtec 4GB).
Must be a way to put the image in!
Hi Paolino,
I have now tried 5 USB sticks 4 of which have the LED light. It starts to upload on orange then turns to green almost strait away, without the image uploading.

Very strange
So your box seems to be bricked :wallbash: . Take a look on web for unbricking it. I can't post a link because of forum rules, I'm sorry for you, but if it's still in warranty, check with your dealer.
have you tried hard reset before flashing?

yes I can view other files ( or could do) The box is now on BH boot and no longer goes any further I have also tried the back USB

you did factory reset - deleted everything excluding image
press menu and check if it works

Many thanks for your response have re formatted my USB placed the new image on the VU plus/solo/dir all 3 files are showing and again light goes amber for a short time then green and old image boots. Is there anyway to force an install

so where is your image? vuplus/solo/dir or vuplus/solo/ ?

I have tried the factory reset but the current image just re boots I have also tried hard reset and I get the green screen.

Not sure where the current image is located
can you please answer the questions:
did you try hard reset in current BH 179 image and flash after doing it?
location of usb NEW image - where is it? vuplus/solo/dir or vuplus/solo/

Yes I did try hard reset in current BH179 and tried to flash but first of all received the green screen then tried to flash without success.

The location of the USB which I have been placing in the front which has the new image is Folder VU plus/solo/ I then have 3 files boot/root & Kernal

would any of the following have an affect

Open VPN currently running
samba stopped
NFS stopped
Telnet running
FTP panel running
UPNP client stopped
UPNP server stopped