vu+solo 2.1.4 B test Ok


Vu+ User
Ciao avere provato Image solo 2.1.4 Version B non avuto problemi Installation

Volore creare swep-file 2gb ma non riuscito provare 1 gb tutto ok (stick-usb essere 8GB)

Crossepg usare con guida di Zio ( condivisione Epg) il vu+solo 2.1.4 B e confikurato come Client
nella guida e non avere nessuno problema con guesta Image..

Grazie..... :)
Volore creare swep-file 2gb ma non riuscito provare 1 gb tutto ok (stick-usb essere 8GB)
You don't need Swap, memory is compressed and there is a "virtual" swap already (if the same as 2.1.4A).
Other, 32Mb of swap is still enough, maybe 64Mb, but not more.
Anyway, try manually

dd if=/dev/zero of=/hdd/swapfile bs=1024 count=32768 (65536 for 64MB)
mkswap /hdd/swapfile
swapon /hdd/swapfile
vi /etc/fstab --> /hdd/swapfile none swap sw 0 0 (or use the panel now if it's active and make auto activation)​

I did it this way some time ago. Now with a Vu+ZERO i do not need it :grin: