Vu Solo 2 with 3,5" Hard Drive


Vu+ Newbie
Hi ppl.

I bought my Solo2 yesterday and works well.
Hi see that its possibel to put one internal 3,5" hard drive.
How i do it?


1º Do a chassi for 3,5" hard drive.




2º Hi bought an extension for alimention for CPU of a computer, and put one adapter to connect on Switch on back. to give 12v for the hard drive, because the yellow wire dont't have any power. (*)

3º Hi do some teste to Vu with 2,5" Hard Drive to see how mutch he consume.In this case is what the VU consume withou use the Hard Drive.

4ºHi do some teste to Vu with 2,5" Hard Drive to see how mutch he consume.In this case is what the VU consume initialization the Hard Drive.(consume more that recording)

5º Now hi do some teste to Vu with 3,5" Hard Drive to see how mutch he consume.In this case is what the VU consume withou use the Hard Drive.

6ºNow hi do some teste to Vu with 3,5" Hard Drive to see how mutch he consume.In this case is what the VU consume initialization the Hard Drive.(consume more that recording)

7ºThis is the case closed with the 3,5" Hard Drive

9º when we close the case is only one think to do.
Initialization the Hard Drive and see if is alrigth.

10º Now you can use your 3,5" Hard Drive. Only thing is wrong(bug) is that every Hard Drive apears as External

I see some peoples tell that the Charger can't support power with 3,5" Hard Drive, and for that i do the test.

Every test's are done on HD channel.
The charger have 12V - 3,5A who gives you 42W (teoric because on pratical have 44W)

How you can see on the point six he wave 2A consume, but e see on boot that the VU reached to 2,5A.

How he calculate how mutch power(W) consume at worst.For the worst i put 3A to have some clearance
The formule is P=V.I

For this concluion, we can put one 3,5" hard drive without any problem.
OK, you did it.
I would like to write only some my opinions.
I personaly don't like 3,5" drives because they heats a lot, I mounted in my DUO/SOLO2 2,5" because it heats less, is silent, on my MediaCenter PC too (3,5" HDD gone two weeks ago).
Your 3,5" bracket is much lower then original one, so the components under it will have shorter life (no cooling).
HDD you mounted in must be very noisy (7200 RPM).
To check current peaks during spin up of HDD you should use oscilloscope with I/U converter and check 5V current too (internal power supply regulator).

These are only my opinions :).
Tanks Paolino for you opinion.

For my point-of-view for that poits, its my answer of what i think.

-3,5" heats the same temperature that one 2,5" but, i understand you 3,5" propage more heat that a 2,5" but not very mutch.
-For the components its safe in my case because i have one small fan to cooling the flash and same time below the hard drive, and you know that the hot air go to up, for that i have my components(4 capacitors) they are cooled.
-I monted my bracket and put my hard drive WD Blue in the top and hi don't screwed and i closed the Solo2 and don's have any vibraition, for the noise it does the same that my 2,5"hard drive(5400RPM).
The best 3,5" hard drive for the SOLO2 hi will choose WD Green are very silence and don't heat so mutch and consume less power.
- The 2,5" consume more that the 3,5" hard drive in the 5v because is the only power to the entire drive you can check in the hard drives is write on the top.
-I think that will not necessary to do teste's with the oscilloscope because i are with a big margin, if the calculations came close to the limit, oh yes in that way i will agree with you.

For at last, probali this motherboard its prepare to work with 3,5" Hard drive, i think that this board will be the same for Duo2


How you can see on the HDD connector the yellow wire normally have 12v for the hard drive, but in this case the yellow wire have 0v.
Hi the yellow wire have 0v?
how you can see under the connection you have F217 that goes to the yellow wire but you don't have anithing on F217. On the left contact of the F217 we have 12V, and for that i belive that te VU take the fuseF217 and the C265 because the case is too small to put one 3,5HDD on the case.
I think that this board will be the same to Duo2 because have the same hardware, but for 3,5" hard drive because de case will be bigger than Solo2 case.

Now sorry for my english, and sorry for my 1ºpost but i can't rectify, don't have permissions for that.

If any one have more poits to tell please post them i will thank.

Of Course these are only my opinions.
You did a nice job for a section Babylon modding, HW of Solo2 is done for Solo2. If you can't see some components on MB, that's because they are not necessary for a project.
Until your box is in warranty, don't touch your MB; also 3,5" HDD inside is discutable for warranty questions.
Duo2 motherboard will be (is) different.
Consumption of 3,5 and 2,5 HDD's ? You can find 2,5" drives which sucks little more then 3,5", it depends on model.
I consider to you to make an opening under HDD on your bracket to allow electronics of HDD to cool.

I don't know, why you did your job. I think for a passion and not to save money.
I think is more easy to chek the total power (from12 &5V ) directly on the psu
i like the IDE because u can doo every thing inside for example hard drive information "read, write, stand by and so..."with a couple of led and some resistor on pin 40 DSCF0324.JPG
No need to use any built-in HDD for recording. I use the NAS for it so I can reach the all records from anywhere even from away ex via internet simply. It can recording 4 HD channels or even 8 SD channels parallely via gigabit LAN or half channels (2 HD/4 SD) via N (300) WiFi.
You did a nice job for a section Babylon modding, HW of Solo2 is done for Solo2. If you can't see some components on MB, that's because they are not necessary for a project.
Until your box is in warranty, don't touch your MB; also 3,5" HDD inside is discutable for warranty questions.
Duo2 motherboard will be (is) different.
Consumption of 3,5 and 2,5 HDD's ? You can find 2,5" drives which sucks little more then 3,5", it depends on model.
I consider to you to make an opening under HDD on your bracket to allow electronics of HDD to cool.

I don't know, why you did your job. I think for a passion and not to save money.

do you connect the +12 volt hdd wire to the on /off switch ? cant see in photo ..........

if so is the hdd not getting +12 volt all the time ? even when vu solo is turned off ?

any idea if this device would work ?

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No need to use any built-in HDD for recording. I use the NAS for it so I can reach the all records from anywhere even from away ex via internet simply. It can recording 4 HD channels or even 8 SD channels parallely via gigabit LAN or half channels (2 HD/4 SD) via N (300) WiFi.
How to mount a NAS?CIFS or NFS?
Why not get a 3,5" enclosure and have the hdd external and also power it externally? You will have zero problems and can easily
move the hdd to other linux based machines. I use an external 2.5" hdd with my Solo4k without any problems at all and it takes
up very small space behind the box. There's no advantage of having a hdd internally.