Vu+ Solo 4k displaying no image


Vu+ Newbie
Hello everyone, my Vu+ Solo 4k shows only the Vu+ logo for 15 seconds when booting and then the signal disappears and there is nothing on the TV (the TV says NO SIGNAL from the HDMI source). I tried on another Samsung tv, with other cables and nothing helps. I flashed the Vu+ tried with the newest Open Pli and Open Atv images and the situation is still the same. The small lcd screen works, the web interface as well. Can someone help? Many thanks
What make/model television do you have?
When installing a new image how far did you get?
Did you reach the point where you had to set up the display options, and did you select a display option compatible with your receiver, and HDMI cable?
I have 3 Samsung TVs - it is the same with all of them. However, my Dreambox works with these TVs. The system boots and I see the Vu+ logo, then I see on the small screen that I have to choose HDMI/Scart and the resolution, I choose on purpose a low resolution (576p) and nothing. To recap, I see only the Vu+ boot for 10-15 seconds and the picture goes away.
Thank you very much. I loaded Black Hole, but still the same thing - I see only the sign Black hole for 10 seconds at the outset and then everything disappears. I see on the small screen of the Vu+ that I can choose HDMI and the resolution, but no result :-(
Looks like a hardware problem.
I learnt that, sometimes, strange problems or behaviours are caused by the power, if not from the external PSU then from internal voltage regulators feeding the various devices.
Try flashing with an official image and if still not working consider for a repair.
Thank you, Mick 12334! I flashed it with the official Vu+ image and the problem still persists. I need to ship it for repair. I have lost my papers,does anyone knows where I can ship it in Germany for a warranty repair?
I had read it before, I bought it for the FBC tuner, although I don't have a 4k tv. Amazon have a strange policy when it comes to warranty, they never deal with any repair and they just tell their customers to contact directly the manufacturer.

Indeed,what is happening is really strange, especially because I see parts of the setup wizard on the small LCD screen.
It doesn't matter what Amazon claim, it depends on your Country's rules, and of course the EU.
The seller is responsible, usually, for faulty products.
Who was the seller?
Amazon is similar to a large internet market place, with other sellers using their web store.
Check any emails, from Amazon, and find out who actually sold you the solo 4k.
I bought it directly from Amazon Germany - Amazon was the seller and the shipping company. Amazon always refers customers to the manufacturer.
Never dealt with Amazon Germany, only the UK site, but even they should be subject to EU law and must have a returns policy, for faulty/damaged goods.