vu+ solo freez after flashing


Vu+ Newbie

Well i've a problem to get my channels via the vu+
To let you know :
  1. i ve get BH 1.7.6 from this forum i followed the steps to flash my box with usb key
  2. before flashing i've done the bootloader update
  3. once all finished , i log on my box and she freez on the first skim startin GUI
  4. i go menu and i fix my tuner , A : nile sat 7 w : but i do not find channels even the free ones
  5. i check also via tuner : disqes C is for astra : also no channel
i log off / log on the box is tooooo late and state on starting gui
is that normal ?

---- update -----
with the bh 1.7.6 i do not get nile sat channel but i can get the astra channel
i was thinking that issue with dish
fully wrong , just because i plugged a simple receiver and he worked fine on nile sat

please help
---- update -----
with the bh 1.7.6 i do not get nile sat channel but i can get the astra channel
i was thinking that issue with dish
fully wrong , just because i plugged a simple receiver and he worked fine on nile sat

please help

Have you installed a correct set of settings?
Have you made a satellite search?