vu solo2 & catseye settings

I don't think it's anything to do with not doing a proper scan, if you read the thread, it's more a problem when using a V-Box II.
The default settings, for Blackhole, and other images, is to set the Preferred tuner option to auto, which results in the receiver using the tuner connected to the V-Box II, which has problems scanning in some frequencies.
I discovered the problem, when trying to scan in some channels in, they just wouldn't scan in, no matter what settings I tried, yet as soon as I connected the LNB, directly to my Duo 2, they did scan in.
This is why I fitted a twin LNB, so that I have one cable going through the V-Box II, and the second directly into the VU+ Duo 2.
A similar set up to ishara.
thanks for that tuner A is working ok,so i suspect tuner B is not as sensitive or faulty any ideas how i can fix this
I found that once the channels had scanned in, they worked, even via the V-Box II, that is after I had changed my cable, which had become damaged.
When I first moved to this house, mainly for the open, south facing, garden, so that I could fit a ground stand, for my dish, I fitted green, waterproof, cable, which was quite expensive, so i thought it would last longer.
Unfortunately the sun made the cable brittle, after a number of years, so that when I came to adjust it, it cracked, so i replaced both cable runs with new WF 100, and also used this for a lead, from my V-Box II, to my receiver, and it's worked better ever since, although it still has problems scanning in some frequencies.

Try connecting both tuners to the cable directly from the LNB, one at a time, then manually scanning in the channels, without the other cable connected, both should work, but if you connect both of them to the V-Box II cable, I doubt either will scan in the channels.

You can try fitting better quality cable, even WF 125, but this is a lot thicker, and it's not easy to bend, or run it around corners.

Once you have your channels, and bouquets, organized use Dremboxedit, to save your channel list, then you shouldn't need to use Vhannibal's, or Catseye's lists, but re-load your own, after any new image.
ye thats true but regional/local channels are a pain when you rescan you lose them and have to re-edit them if you want to show your local
hi i have read somewhere that some times driver update can solve this problem.but in my case because im using v-box II to drive i dont think this will help.tuner A is ok tuner B for which cable comes via v-box II has this problem.any ideas ? oh and i am using wf100 coax cable for all from lnb to box and v-box II
The problem is with the V-Box II, and maybe a compatibility issue, with the VU+, but as there are very few alternatives, to the V-Box II, it's something you have to live with.
You could have both teuners connected directly to the LNB, and use your V-Box II remote, to drive your dish, but that's no good, for multiple recordings, on different satellites.