Vu+ Solo2 wired connection not working


Vu+ Newbie
I am trying to get my box connected with a wire instead of wireless, but it is not working.
I have tried connecting with DHCP enabled and it wasnt working, so I disabled it and gave it a static IP but it is still not working...
When I have a static IP and I run the network test, everything seems OK, yet I dont get any internet connection....

I am running the latest BH version.
My current settings:

Use Interface: Yes
Use DHCP: No
IP Address:
Use a gateway: Yes
Gateway: (this is the router/modem IP)
DNS: (I have tried using google DNS aswell as the DNS that is stated in my router.

Wireless connection is working fine but not the wired connection. Any suggestions?

P.S : I have already tried using different cable, but I got the same results.
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When I run the command "ifconfig" I see that for eth0 I get Bcast: while it is for wlan0. But I can't find where I can fix this problem. Hope this narrows down the reason for my problem.
When you enter the menu, Setup, System, Network, Lan Connection and press the green button and check the Adapter Settings, is that the information listed?
Can you access your VU+, from your PC, using this IP address and Filezilla?
Have you tried the network test option, in Menu, Setup, System, Network, Lan Connection? What are the readings?
The only difference I have, compared to your list, apart from a different IP address, is DHCP set to Yes, I just used the network wizard.
When you enter the menu, Setup, System, Network, Lan Connection and press the green button and check the Adapter Settings, is that the information listed?
Can you access your VU+, from your PC, using this IP address and Filezilla?
Have you tried the network test option, in Menu, Setup, System, Network, Lan Connection? What are the readings?
The only difference I have, compared to your list, apart from a different IP address, is DHCP set to Yes, I just used the network wizard.

Yes that is the adapter settings that I have put in. When I enable DHCP, reboot the box and test the internet connection, I get the error "Unconfirmed" on IP address and Nameserver, and "N/A" when going back to adapter settings to see if it got an IP.
No I cannot access VU+ from my PC. I logged into the router to see if the box had established a connection, but it had not and thus I cannot connect to it.
The network test is OK when I use the settings I mentioned earlier, but I don't get a green light to the right of "Link". Sometimes I do get a green light but the network still doesn't work.

@scart : I am using quite same settings for LAN without problems.
Maybe you left WLAN active. Disable it.

I tried disabling WLAN aswell, but still no luck. I won't be able to do any more testing until thursday/friday, but I will try to reset my router and see if that helps, if not, I will return here for help. I don't think the network card is the problem because the green light behind the box is on and the orange one is blinking a few times.

But please give me more suggestions for what to try.
Can you please post the make/model of your router and what ISP you're using.
Do you have a secondary DNS listing
Can you please post the make/model of your router and what ISP you're using.
Do you have a secondary DNS listing
Router/modem: Inteno FG500, ISP: Ownit

No I don't have a secondary DNS. I tried adding one with aswell but it still doesn't work.
Now I tried to reset the router but it still won't work. I can't see how it is the routers fault since the wired network is working when I use it on computers at home...
Have you tried the reset the network option?
When using the WLAN what is the IP Address? Is it different from the LAN IP Address?
When using the WLAN connection can you access your receiver using your PC, as you state this is connected to the internet so should work?
I assume you've tried different ports, in the router, but have you tried a different router? If you can borrow one then it might be worth trying.
I have tried resetting my router and tried reflashing the box. When I use WLAN I get a correct LAN side IP adress and the network is working perfectly, so yes I can connect to the box through a PC. I cannot try a different router because of the way my network is wired. The internet wires are going straight into the router/modem (it is NOT a normal internet cable). So even if I try another router, it has to be connected to the first one.

I tried to fix a internet connection to my dreambox using the cable, but I cannot get it to work there either, so the problem has to be the router/modem. I will keep digging, thanks for the help
I have the same problem, I've just switched to BT Infinity and a Homehub 5 and now I cant connect to internet. Network test says Nameserver is unconfirmed. Help needed please!!!
For "name server" apply these DNS from google:


Before enter the DNS1 press BLUE to ADD DNS2 and make your settings

best regards
I am also using a home hub 5 and have the same problem it won't connect it just says ip unconfirmed and name server unconfirmed :( don't no what to do I tried to change dns to what u said but no change please help
Do you guys use lan cable tricks like the "use 1 cable for 2 connections with join/split adapters"? If so, that doesn't work with gigabit Lan interfaces like the SOLO2 has. Only the older 10/100 cables used half of the signal wires and tricking was possible, the 1000s use the whole lines.
I think that my solo2 LAN is somehow gotten defect.
It has been working for years. I have also unsuccessfully tried older BH backups, which was working before.

DHCP on is not giving any ip. Fixed ip is possible, but is not working as expected (no dns, no internet, no nothing).

Tried several routers too

WAN ok , LAN not ok
did you try the above
For "name server" apply these DNS from google:


Before enter the DNS1 press BLUE to ADD DNS2 and make your settings
did you try the above
For "name server" apply these DNS from google:


Before enter the DNS1 press BLUE to ADD DNS2 and make your settings

Yes --- tried --- everything.

Getting no ip from DHCP is spooky ?
WAN ok , LAN not ok

Duo2 ok in same environment
