Vu+ Uno 4KSE twin FBC tuners, motorized dish, and unicable LNB settings


Vu+ Newbie
Hello! I just bought a brand new Vu+ uno 4K SE, speed and picture is brilliant, but i don't set tuner configuration with my new unicable LNB, motorized dish, and A-H tuners. I read many more forum threads, Vu+ wiki, etc etc, i can't recognize good settings. My Inverto IDLB-QUDL42-UNI2L-OPP has one unicable out, i use it only with a single cable system, and i split this cable with inverto splitter 20 cm before Vu+. How can i set all tuners, if i want to turn dish from 30°W-40°E all satellites, i use Vhannibal channel list few years ago, i want to turn dish, but i don't want to set any limitations all tuners. So i don't want to set fixed dish. Totally enough for me, is only A tuner can turn dish, others needn't. If i change settings, box can dead with green screen, and then restart. If i put back my old twin LNB, dish turning perfect, i can watch 3 channels in quad pip without any problems, can record and watch other channel same time etc etc. Thanks!
You need to set the tuners up in the Advanced menu options.
Are you using Blachole 3.0.5, or Open Blackhole 4.1?
I use advance menu, but don't know right details. Now i use openatv 6.1, but seek best image. Before Uno 4K SE on my solo2 run blackhole 3 yrs without any problem. :-))
Buena pregunta, mira las opciones aqui.
Para el Ultimo4K (tiene 2 Tuner FBC, el "Uno4K se" tiene uno).

No tengo ni imagen, ni receptor, una opcion es...
Como tienes IDLB-QUDL42-UNI2L-OPP, 4 SCR + 1Legacy.
LNB salida Legacy, Motor, Tuner A, configurado como LNB normal usals y Tuner C, D y E, como no configurados/Automatico.

Poner nuevo cable al LNB salida unicable, conectar al Tuner B y configurar SCR0 al B y SCR1 al SCR3 en los Tuner F, G y H.
Suerte, los LNB unicable y el motor no estan pensados para funcionar juntos.

Good question, look at the options here.
For the Ultimo4K (it has 2 FBC Tuner, the "Uno4Kse" has one).

I have no image, no receiver, an option is ...
How do you have IDLB-QUDL42-UNI2L-OPP, 4 SCR + 1Legacy.
LNB output Legacy, Motor, Tuner A, configured as normal LNB usals and Tuner C, D and E, as not configured/Automatic.

Put new cable to the unicable LNB output, connect to Tuner B and configure SCR0 to B and SCR1 to SCR3 in Tuner F, G and H.
Good luck, the unicable LNB and the engine are not meant to work together.
Buena pregunta, mira las opciones aqui.
Para el Ultimo4K (tiene 2 Tuner FBC, el "Uno4K se" tiene uno).

No tengo ni imagen, ni receptor, una opcion es...
Como tienes IDLB-QUDL42-UNI2L-OPP, 4 SCR + 1Legacy.
LNB salida Legacy, Motor, Tuner A, configurado como LNB normal usals y Tuner C, D y E, como no configurados/Automatico.

Poner nuevo cable al LNB salida unicable, conectar al Tuner B y configurar SCR0 al B y SCR1 al SCR3 en los Tuner F, G y H.
Suerte, los LNB unicable y el motor no estan pensados para funcionar juntos.

Good question, look at the options here.
For the Ultimo4K (it has 2 FBC Tuner, the "Uno4Kse" has one).

I have no image, no receiver, an option is ...
How do you have IDLB-QUDL42-UNI2L-OPP, 4 SCR + 1Legacy.
LNB output Legacy, Motor, Tuner A, configured as normal LNB usals and Tuner C, D and E, as not configured/Automatic.

Put new cable to the unicable LNB output, connect to Tuner B and configure SCR0 to B and SCR1 to SCR3 in Tuner F, G and H.
Good luck, the unicable LNB and the engine are not meant to work together.
Thank You i think, last option with two cables not works succesfully, one tuner with 4 scr can half watchable channels, but i will try this config. Best regards!

The LNB only has 4 SCR, you have no use of the second tuner B.
Unicable LNB and motor are not good mix, good luck then.
El LNB solo tiene 4 SCR, tienes sin uso el segundo tuner B.
LNB Unicable y motor no son buena mezcla, suerte entonces.