Vu + uno with Blackhole 3 0 1 c E3 bloked on starting guy


Vu+ Newbie
Hello,i have a Vu + uno with Blackhole 3 0 1 c E3 blocked on starting guy.
I've installed a new skin and on reboot i'm blocked on starting guy.
I' ve removed skin from user/share/enigma2 but nothing succeed.
I can access to my vVu with dcc;when i try to flash,vu doesn't access to my usb,it continue boot but no flash.
Is there a another way to flash it?
Need help,thanks


Keep trying with different USB sticks, remembering to Format them to FAT32.
If you read, through the forum, you'll find many have had the same problem, but usually the oldest, cheapest, USB stick, manages to flash the receiver.


Vu+ Newbie
Hello,thank you for your responce;i know howto flash,the problem is not the usb;i've tried with other usb fat32.
The problem is blackhole 3;i can access to my Vu with dcc.
Is there another way to flash the Vu?


If your receiver is booting up then you should be able to flash it, using a USB stick.
Why not try loading a different image.
If you have any other USB connections, or hard drive, disconnect them first, along with your co-ax connection, in case there is a short.


Vu+ Newbie
Hello Mick12334,as you told,i'm trying with another image (Vti) and it'flashing!!!
i'm so stupid i didn't tought.
Once again,thank you so much.


could any1 supply me with the latest blackhole thanks

You have posted twice ...

The first in Vuplus Duo2 section
The second one here, in Vuplus Uno section.

Please, point us in the correct direction, so:

What is your Vuplus STB model ... UNO?