Vu+ utility


Vu+ Newbie
I have posted this three attachements before in other threads, but i think this is the correct place to post it ;)

Vu+Utility ver.2.01
VUutil (older version)
Pdf usage of VUutil

simular to dremUp for Dreamboxes
Flash your Vu+ via serial RS 232



Attention, please! Vu-util_v2.0.1 can open *.zip files too. It's not clear now (at least for me), what *.zip could do with your boxes. Please, don't use *.zip files until it will be cleared what are they for.
Attention, please! Vu-util_v2.0.1 can open *.zip files too. It's not clear now (at least for me), what *.zip could do with your boxes.
So you mean that the program Vu+ util could transfer more then .nfi files to box?
or did i understand you wrong? (i am not in the mood to try ;) )
If that´s the case maybe moderator should remove my attached?
Is this all about that there is no .nfi for solo2?

Sorry if i mess up ?
I have only tryed with .nfi and Ultimo...

So you mean that the program Vu+ util could transfer more then .nfi files to box?
or did i understand you wrong? (i am not in the mood to try ;) )
If that´s the case maybe moderator should remove my attached?
Is this all about that there is no .nfi for solo2?

Sorry if i mess up ?
I have only tryed with .nfi and Ultimo...


I did e test (no box connected :no:), selected COM1, Machine DUO, left IP as it was, opened, Next, Start, Yes. It started to 1. extract the image, 2. Enter in CFE mode (message Please, start or restart your machine). I pressed exit.
I don't want to try with my Duo :no:. I'll wait for an experts tests :yes:.
I tried also to select Solo Machine and load Duo, No Error Message:confused: ?!
I did an other test: I used same versions of and bm750_usb.nfi files. Vuutil saves extracted files in c:/Vu_tmp, extracted files boot_cfe_auto.jffs2 and kernel_cfe_auto.bin are different, root_cfe_auto.jffs2 are the same. I used these versions from and vuplus-image-bm750-20130228034359.nfi.

My opinion is (but I'm really not sure at 100%) that * image files could be used for RS232 flashing with Vu-util_2.0.1 (I'm afraid to brick my Duo, I don't want to try personally).
I did e test (no box connected :no:), selected COM1, Machine DUO, left IP as it was, opened, Next, Start, Yes. It started to 1. extract the image, 2. Enter in CFE mode (message Please, start or restart your machine). I pressed exit.
I don't want to try with my Duo :no:. I'll wait for an experts tests :yes:.
I tried also to select Solo Machine and load Duo, No Error Message:confused: ?!
I have tried as well on RS232 and connected LAN to flash the decoder, but passed 1. extract the image, 2. Enter CFE mode.
The next what I did was to power on the decoder, but nothing happend.

The LAN connection works good. I have checked it on the router if the decoder is visible and in the decoder itself the IP is visible. Ping as well was working.

RS232 could't test.

Does somebody has any idea how to proceed with the flashing? Is there a manual to flash over RS232 with new VU+ util 2.0.1?

Is maybe the flash module broken cause USB didnt worked at all and I have been flashing already 7 same models sucessfully before through USB.

Thanks already for answers and cheers
Hi everyone ! would someone at least assist me with a solution for VU+ DUO2 best image firmware apart from Black hole as i have used it but the important features am looking for such as CHANNEL EDIT, DELETE, MOVE and RENAME even with latest black hole this features are not active. i have checked under main channels list by press Menu but the features are not there. is there any HD Freaks firmware image for VU+ DUO2 ? Thanks
hola buenas estoy intentando cargar una nueva imagen a vu+silo2se pero no me carga por usb como puedo solucionarlo?
I have just bricked my VU+ Solo2. Does anyone have a .nfi file for it that I can flash using rs232. Thanks.
I have just bricked my VU+ Solo2. Does anyone have a .nfi file for it that I can flash using rs232. Thanks.
How are you bricked a box that can be flashed via USB? It's 100% impossible to brick..... if you don't mix/edit files on USB of course.....