vu+zero bh 2.1.6 no hdd

i see the usb drive but unable to record on it, says no hdd found

pls help


For recording ... your usb HDD must be mapped as /media/hdd and you must have a folder in the root trace:

  • /media/hdd/movie
Check if your device is mapped <MENU>; <BLACK HOLE APPS>; <DEVICES MANAGER>;

best regards
i see in device manager USB generic mount: /media/hdd
but when i press record button then it says no hdd found or formatted
how do i create that ?

Use an ftp tool like filezilla, winscp, vucc or dreambox control center.

Connect with one this tools to your STB.

navigate to /media/hdd folder

Press the right mouse button on your pc ... and create a folder named "movie" ...

Click over that created folder with the righr mouse button ... and the change the attributes if not setted as "755" or "0755".

Reboot your STB ... and in customize menu ... change the locations folder for recordings...

You can take a look to this -->

And adapt it as you want.

best regards
i have still a problem
i tried to record something today but after few minutes it says harddisk full
so i checked with ftp and see that it records on the media/usb but not in the folder movie ... is that right ?
how should i format the usb drive ? its a 256GB usb stick