Vu+ Zero CFE update


If you have any problem with Ethernet on Zero, please update CFE.
If your set is working properly, PLEASE DO NOT UPDATE IT!

How to update the bootloader:

  1. Unzip the to USB stick.(There should be /vuplus/zero/cfe_cfe_auto.bin)
  2. Insert USB stick into the USB port of Zero and turn the power on.
  3. It takes just a few seconds to update.
  4. If front LED of Zero displays blinking, remove the USB stick and restart the box.
  5. If the update of the Zero CFE has completed successfully, the LED will blink four times on reboot.

PS: This Bootloader (CFE) should be used for Zero only. Otherwise it will crash the box.


I there. I made the update and it worked fine. I coldnt conect very well to internet, after this update all works fine.
Can you tell me why i can do update CFE for my ZERO ?
That necessary ? how to check it on my zero is v1.04 ?
Thank You
On the Duo 2 it's displayed on start up, if you switch off, at the rear, and watch the front panel, when you switch on, you can see the bootloader version.
On other receivers you might see it in the menu information.
Why? The bootloader is updated by the manufacturer, because it's generally needed:
Hi. I have 2 pcs of vu+ zero and my question is: how can i copy image file from old zero to my new zero?
Thanks in advance. :)