VU ZERO HDMI not working


Vu+ Newbie
VU+ZERO - when start on TV I see logo Black Hole but very short after that TV shows No signal.
I have tried different HDMI cable and different USB stick installing different images but no success.

So, I can install any image and I can see it on Openwebif, I can change settings using LAN connection I can see my VU Zero using TDC Triple Dragon Control I can see all files using FTP so I can do everything wit my receiver but still no signal on TV using HDMI cable, I change HDMI settings but same problem.


  • vuzero1.png
    43.1 KB · Views: 11
Because you have probably a faulty video adapter: when the box starts it only needs a very low resolution. Afterwards it switches to high resolution and, if my theory is right, the video adapter can't work.
Anyway, I'm sure you tried by OWIF the lowest resolutions possible, didn't you?
Because you have probably a faulty video adapter: when the box starts it only needs a very low resolution. Afterwards it switches to high resolution and, if my theory is right, the video adapter can't work.
Anyway, I'm sure you tried by OWIF the lowest resolutions possible, didn't you?
I did not add more images when I started thread an I am not allowed to post link I would like to show pictures what I see on TV and Openwebif.
I tried Openwebif with lower and high resolution and I can see pictures at both resolution.
So, if problem with HDMI how it is possible that I can see Black Hole logo on TV for few seconds when I start receiver?
So, if problem with HDMI how it is possible that I can see Black Hole logo on TV for few seconds when I start receiver?
Again: because the BlackHole logo it's showed without involving the extra video ram of the adapter. It has happened several times, with computers too, that you see the initial pictures at the boot but, when the OS asks for higher definition, a faulty video adapter is not able to work. Might be its ram.
Again: because the BlackHole logo it's showed without involving the extra video ram of the adapter. It has happened several times, with computers too, that you see the initial pictures at the boot but, when the OS asks for higher definition, a faulty video adapter is not able to work. Might be its ram.
I have to check motherboard and HDMI connection on it, thanks.
I did not mention this happened after I flashed new image. Before that everything was good and HDMI works just fine!
A software can't damage the HW. So, either it was a coincidence or you did something wrong in setting the image or, too, the flashing went wrong.
Have you tried to reflash?
Un software non può danneggiare l'HW. Quindi, o è stata una coincidenza o hai sbagliato qualcosa nell'impostazione dell'immagine o anche il flashing è andato storto.
Hai provato a eseguire il reflash?
Sì, un software può danneggiare anche l'hardware.

Per il post,
Se vede il logo, significa che in qualche modo la uscita HDMI funziona.

Io vedrei in primis quale risoluzione in uscita è impostata sul box.
Secondo, quale risoluzione supporta la TV.
@blu8: if you can bring just one example where a SW damaged your HW... This is impossible: a SW can make a HW impossible to be used, but this is a completely different story. We are talking about physical damages.

About HDMI, I've never said that the HDMI is not working: if he sees a picture at boot and then nothing, it might be the video adapter or its RAM.
Can you please post details of your original power adapter, and the Dreambox one, you tested it with, it might still be a power supply problem.
My parents Minix Neo power supply died. a couple of years back, and I tried a replacement, that didn't fully work, the box lit up, but no image, on the television, as the replacement wasn't powerful enough, but I spotted this as the blue LED, on the front of the box, wasn't as bright, as I remember.

Without testing the motherboard, for any problems, using a proper tester, you might never discover the problem, it might be as simple as a soldering issue, but given the age, of original VU+ Zero's, and the fact that they aren't capable of what a modern receiver can do, it might not even be worth testing, unless you know someone, who works in electronics, even with PC testers, that can check your motherboard, for any faults.

The fact that it works using Openwebif, on your PC, tends to make me feel it is an internal hardware fault, and not the power supply, but if you have access to the same spec power supply, it wouldn't cost anything to test it.
The OpenWebIf working shows there's no chance it's a power supply fault. You are uselessly running around in circle: when some video definitions don't work (and, very strangely they are always the higher modes) it's a graphic card failure. As simple as that: I've seen many many times in my life in PC with embedded video card adapters.
How can it be the mainboard if the box is "running" (apart from the video modes) and this is demonstrated by OWIF?