Several years ago I have found a lot of help with ciplushelper and openatv on a Vu+ Uno4K.
Now I have another provider (with another ci+ 1.3 module - 1.3 is written on pcmcia) and a Vu+Uno4kSE.
I did not succeed to make it work, I have no error message but black screen on encrypted channels. The module is "seen" by the Vu+ and I have message that module was inserted. I'm trying with openatv 6.3 and ciplushelper 5.2-r1 and also VTi 15.0.
The previous provider is still working ok with it's module, but the new one not (of course I've reinstalled everything from scratch when I've changed the providers). The new provider's ci+ module is working ok on any TV (I've tried Samsung and Sony).
Maybe someone could help again to debug the issue,
Thank you!
Several years ago I have found a lot of help with ciplushelper and openatv on a Vu+ Uno4K.
Now I have another provider (with another ci+ 1.3 module - 1.3 is written on pcmcia) and a Vu+Uno4kSE.
I did not succeed to make it work, I have no error message but black screen on encrypted channels. The module is "seen" by the Vu+ and I have message that module was inserted. I'm trying with openatv 6.3 and ciplushelper 5.2-r1 and also VTi 15.0.
The previous provider is still working ok with it's module, but the new one not (of course I've reinstalled everything from scratch when I've changed the providers). The new provider's ci+ module is working ok on any TV (I've tried Samsung and Sony).
Maybe someone could help again to debug the issue,
Thank you!