Vu_Uno4Kse and CI+ 1.3 new provider - black screen


Vu+ Newbie

Several years ago I have found a lot of help with ciplushelper and openatv on a Vu+ Uno4K.

Now I have another provider (with another ci+ 1.3 module - 1.3 is written on pcmcia) and a Vu+Uno4kSE.

I did not succeed to make it work, I have no error message but black screen on encrypted channels. The module is "seen" by the Vu+ and I have message that module was inserted. I'm trying with openatv 6.3 and ciplushelper 5.2-r1 and also VTi 15.0.

The previous provider is still working ok with it's module, but the new one not (of course I've reinstalled everything from scratch when I've changed the providers). The new provider's ci+ module is working ok on any TV (I've tried Samsung and Sony).

Maybe someone could help again to debug the issue,

Thank you!
This is now the BlackHole forum. The OpenBlackHole one has now its own forum at the link in home page.
So, if you want to use OATV or VTi you need to ask their forum or, instead, you may try OpenBlackHole ;)
Thank you Alex for your reply, I've installed openbh-5.1.006.release-vuuno4kse-7d437904_usb, it's exactly the same behaviour as described above. The ci+ module is detected, the info screen about the module is displayed but the screen remains black. I've tried to manually asign CAId and providers to the module without any change.
I don't know if there is any plugin needed to be installed.

I have a new info (from info screen): NDS-Videoguard (I think the previous provider was Irdeto). I've understood this could be important in order to debug the issue. (BTW, I am a legit subscriber to both providers, if there is any problem with modules or plugins or something, but the module is working flawless on any TV)

Thank you,