vuplus & windows 7

It looks oky. Shall we try something first?

First, Whether can we connet a laptop to the receiver directly? This should help to find whether the router has some restriction.
Of course it´s posible. Later, when I arrived home I will connect my laptop directly to the receiver with the lan cable and then try to connect with it throught the ip that I have configured to the tuner!

I will keep you informed.
Hi, @gabijgg. It is easy to locate the possible issue if we can bypass the router. It will help to liminate whether the router or computer cause the problem. Very often, windows OS reserves some capability for some kinds of reasons. When you do the test, please make a note for the uploading and download time or max speed, then We may do a little tunning for the speed. Usually I persionally do not like to play too much away from the windows default settings, because many cases can cause other issues . If it is the windows's issue, we may try something which are relatively safe.
I think I am not doing something correctly. At home I have connected my laptop to the tuner directly with the lan cable. Then I have start a session of the explorer and put the ip direction of the tuner but I have no response of it. I have opened a dos command window to make a ping but no response. Is there another way to do it? For example. If my deco ip is I have put ping but no response on it.
So are you sure that gateway and rest is properly configured ? I would give it a go with DHCP and see what happens. I think that might be the case.
Yes, because I use the tuner to connect to the internet. I can see videos with YouTube and films that are saved in the pc without any problem.
If my deco ip is I have put ping but no response on it.

Private LAN IPs

RFC1918 name    IP address range    number of addresses    classful description    largest CIDR block (subnet mask)    host id size    mask bits
24-bit block -    16,777,216    single class A network (    24 bits    8 bits
20-bit block -    1,048,576    16 contiguous class B networks (    20 bits    12 bits
16-bit block -    65,536    256 contiguous class C networks (    16 bits    16 bits

You can't use IP posted by you for LAN.
Sorry. I put this numbers my exampleo. Mi Private lan is configured to start in and finish So I think is correct according to your perfect Schedule. I am thinking to change and actívate dhcp
Hi, @gabijgg . Have you solve the connection issue? Using DHCP will help with the connection setting. After the test, you alway can set to static. The connection cable should be a crossover type if you connect your laptop direct to the receiver. The crossover cable's wire orders are different in the two end. The normal ethernet cable is very often a straight-through cable. Although many internet interface or network adaptors are able to reset the internal wire order when it detects your use a straight-through cable to connect two 'computers', but some of them are still like the crossover type cable. If you have not had one handy, we are still able to test it by the original way (with the router). Just let us know the result of your test.
Hi, test completed succesfully! I have configured the ips on both devices without changing dhcp and I can connect with the tuner directly. I have transfer files from tuner to pc at 5 mb/s, so maybe router is creating some limits that must make me call the support of the internet service
Congratulation you have solved the problem. It is very likely the router has some kind restriction or reservation.

It looks like the above test is directly connect to tuner. If so, are you using the original cable or a crossover cable? How fast of the uploading speed is (from pc to tuner)? If both of the speed are closed to 5mb/s, it suggests that the settings are ok, but may need some fine tunings which may invovle too many things. One of safe and easy way is to go to you windows 7's control pannel, >device>network adpotor>advanced setting> find the 'linkspeed&Duplex' change it to 100Mbps Full Duplex , change the following item 'flow control' or similar wording (depends on different version) and set to 'disable'. Those settings do not change the restriction of uplaoding speed, but it force many auto regulated speed reservation to run in higher speed possible. Of caurse, after the change, switch off you router and restart your comuter, then restart router. It may improve you download and upload speed, I hope. I noticed that you use auto duplex as many users (as your previous post reported), many cases the auto duplex does not use its full potential by some reasons. My receiver can reach 12MB/s uploading and downloading through the router (fairely new router).
Just for info : WinXP, GigaLAN router, Solo2 ext4 formatted internal Toshiba 500GB HDD BH, Filezilla FTP transfer, Wired LAN cable cat 5e.

Vu+ > PC
File transfer successful, transferred 483 714 723 bytes in 10 seconds 46,13 MB/s
File transfer successful, transferred 844 689 780 bytes in 19 seconds 42,39 MB/s

PC > Vu+
File transfer successful, transferred 483 714 723 bytes in 11 seconds 41,21 MB/s
File transfer successful, transferred 844 689 780 bytes in 24 seconds 33,56 MB/s
Thanks @paolino for your testing and information. You used a very fast router, the speed are more less depends on your network adaptor and setting. My ISP provides much low grade router, my download and upload are only 12MB/s. (however, it is good enough for me, I am not often transfer large media files between the receiver and PC)
@mysat-bs : You raeched with 12 MB/s maximum transfer speed of 100 Mbps LAN.
Thank @paolino . My router is supplied by ISP. I have check it and it is 100mbps. It's max download and uplaoding should be 12.5MB, the same as you said. I manage 12MB/s and it already reachs its max capability, I am happy. Before I play the setting, it was about 70% of its capacity. The windows reserve 30% of the capacity by some reason. @gabijgg's testing shows only 5MB/s, it may related to windows setting?