What HDD for VU DUO


Vu+ Newbie
Just got the set and I am wondering what HDD to buy. Rcently in a different forum I have seen an
answer that 5400 RPM HD is preferable than a 7200 RPM. I wonder if this is true. In the manual
is nothing about HDD. Any suggestions welcomed.
Best regards,
I think it is true. 7200 HD's generate more heat and consume more power, which could cause trouble to a sat receiver. They are meant usually for desktop pc's and are avoided even in laptops (until recently, at least). Normal usage in a sat receiver, does not require their extra speed. I have a Seagate 1TB HD which works great (5800, or 5900 RPM, don't remember, not 5400 though). So, try to find a 'green', low-consumption HD. Also, I'm not sure if there's a maximum TB limit.