Which Motor and Dish ?

Are you sure you have the correct file?
satellites.xml in the tuxbox folder?
My file has over 7000 listings, over 90 of them are for Astra 2, 28.2E.
I'm currently recording a program, which will take a few hours, so I can't access the Tuner configuration options, on my VU+ receiver.
What are the 4 listed satellites, in the Advanced option?
Try using the Advanced, diseqc 1.2, options, as if setting up a motorized dish, and see what satellites are available.
I didnt want to post the full file as it was pages long, but it only had astra listed in there and page after page of transponder info.
I found a site to generate the file, so i just selected hotbird and astra, replaced the sat file in the tuxbox and can now select Hotbird in tuner settings, my sky is still working on LNB/Tuner one which is the shared dish, the second dish does have a good signal, but is not finding anything on a scan, so I expect I am not on Hotbird.
Or do I have to make more changes or should it it find the channels on a scan if I am on the correct satellite ?
Thanks for all the help :)
I am going to give up on it for now, been on this for hours,I have a full list of satellites loaded now so that's all working, I do the scan, but looks like I need a channel list as I still only have the 28.2 bouquet showing, cant seem to find where I can download these from, do I do it on the PC and the FTP it to the box or should they be a Hotbird bouquet on the box someplace in blackhole ?
Now you have the full satellites.xml file go back to Tuner B, set it up on Astra 1, 19.2E, and try a manual scan, of some FTA channels.
Check lyngsat.com for a listing of channels, on various satellites. If they wont scan in try 23.5E.
I moved the dish some more and just doing a search now, Its found over 1500 channels so far and I can see some of these are on Hotbird, but when I exit the scan I still only have the Astra Channels loaded, so do I need to add a channel list for Hotbird as cant see how to do that anywhere ? I must be almost there now :)
You shouldn't need to add a channel list, the channels should be there, you just need to make some new Bouquets (Favourites) for the new channels.
When in the channel lsit press the Red button, on your remote control, this will bring up an alphabetic list of all channels stored on your receiver.
You can also use dreamboxedit, to download your current channel list, from your receiver, view/edit them, and move channels to Bouquets: