First of all Updates what are they for? Well they are needed to fix bugs and other broken stuff.
They can also be update of drivers so new devices will work with the image.
So an image that gets lots of update is not a very stable image.
When there is no problems there is no need for updates.
But if you talk about the move from python 2.7 (Stable long workin version) To python 3
Well then we have to ask our self. How many new python 3 only plugins is there on the marked?
How will I as a user feel any diffrence? It's just a programming language and nothing else
The rush over to python 3 made by OE-A has proven to not be so easy.
First of all they are still using an 11-12 year old python version. So it's not new in anyway

And look at the range of plugins working proper.
But the smart thing they made was to launch the py3 image beside the stable py2 images so users can choose them self.
I would say that Vu+ have learned the lesson and are taking their time before they rush into any python switching.
And when they do it. It will be done proper with a proper python 3 that is stable and fully supported
by third-party developers.
Also as info every Team who build their image on the vuplus core are free to adapt and add their custome functions and plugins if they like.
Blackhole is a very stable working image. So therefore there is no need for updates