XBMC will not play mkv files?? Image Black Hole Vu+ Solo2 2.1.5


Vu+ Newbie

Yesterday i bought a new VU Solo2 box, and installed the image Black Hole Vu+ Solo2 2.1.5 . When i want to play movies in XBMC iso img works fine, but when i want to start .mkv files "1080p hd movies" the screen just go blank and it dosent start.. do i need some speciel plugin for mkv or any know where i can try to look ro correct this error :)

Thanks in advance
This night i testet the build in Mediaplayer in Black Hole there i cant play mkv files either :/ When i download an addon like deluxe media player i can play mkv files there, but still not in the standard media player and XBMC.. any idea? :/
same problem here. xbmc launches standard media player and not the deluxe. Any idea how to link xbmc with deluxe ?
Update: Please ignore post #7. Renaming does not work in this instance although it used to do for Mediaplayer.

What is weird is that if one opens the same mkv via DLNABrowser or Dream Explorer is plays. Is there more than one Mediaplayer on BH?

Sorry Admin could not edit post #7.
Update: Please ignore post #7. Renaming does not work in this instance although it used to do for Mediaplayer.

What is weird is that if one opens the same mkv via DLNABrowser or Dream Explorer is plays. Is there more than one Mediaplayer on BH?

Sorry Admin could not edit post #7.

No. Blackhole Image 2.1.5 has one mediaplayer native ( that i name classic ), with the next information, you´ll subsitute your native Mediaplayer ( classic ) ---> for MEDIAPLAYER2, that can handle allmost severall media files.

See this post: http://www.vuplus-community.net/board/threads/black-hole-xbmc-beta-02.20513/page-10#post-167817, and read the links on it.

best regards
I already installed Mediaplayer2. Yes, it is much better than "classic" player, but it is still nowhere close to XBMC Player. XBMC Player is the world best number one nowadays. Is there any option to use really XBMC Player on VU+Solo2? Thanks a lot.
I already installed Mediaplayer2. Yes, it is much better than "classic" player, but it is still nowhere close to XBMC Player. XBMC Player is the world best number one nowadays. Is there any option to use really XBMC Player on VU+Solo2? Thanks a lot.

Afaik, no on enigma2 STB using mipsel arch .... like almost Vuplus STB.

Best regards
Hi mates! I have vu+ uno 4k se with blackhole 3.0.5.c I tried to play files 4k but only I can listen the audi. Can anyone help how I can play 4k files in vu+plus?
Thanks in advance ;)