Changing only splash screen


Is it possible to change just the splash screen without reflashing the STB?
And can someone post the original HD splash screen of VU+Duo2?
Yes, put only a splash_cfe_auto.bin file in the duo2 folder (remove all other files) and flash as usual.
The flashing will last only few seconds.

You can extract the file from any original Vu+ Duo2 image.
The image resolution, format (bmp), color depth and final dimension (bytes) must be the same as the original file.
Just for knowing

All the spashscreens i saw, on severall images, are resolution 720x576 px 24bits depth

So: 720x576x24 / 8 = 1.244.160 bytes = 1215 Kb

best regards


Here is the BMP of VUplus Original SplashScreen:



bonsoir, vous sauriez m'aider, quand j'enregistre une chaine (tf1) et j'arrive pas a regarder une autre chaine (canal +) sur mon vu+duo 2 avec image openpli ?merci d'avance
Good evening, can you to help me, when I record a channem (TF1) and I get to watch not another channel TV (Canal +) i have a vu + 2 Duo with OpenPLi image? thank you in advance
Good evening, can you to help me, when I record a channel (TF1) and I can't get another channel TV (Canal +) I have a vu+ 2 Duo with OpenPLi image? thank you in advance
Good evening, can you to help me, when I record a channel (TF1) and I can't get another channel TV (Canal +) I have a vu+ 2 Duo with OpenPLi image? thank you in advance

Here ... no support for other images than Open Black Hole or Blackhole Vu+ Images, sorry!
And, by the way, TF1 and Canal +, are both encrypted channels, so i would ask and invite you for reading the forum rules -->

best regards
Yes, put only a splash_cfe_auto.bin file in the duo2 folder (remove all other files) and flash as usual.
The flashing will last only few seconds.

You can extract the file from any original Vu+ Duo2 image.

don't work for me...

I follow your step by step...


Put in


Delete other file

Turn off
Insert pen drive for flash

But not work.

This tutorial work for all Vu + and all image?
What steps?
Where did you put the files?

Do it the wrong way ... and brake your STB :wallbash:



Put in


Delete other file

Turn off
Insert pen drive for flash

But not work.

This tutorial work for all Vu + and all image?


Put in


Delete other file

Turn off
Insert pen drive for flash

But not work.

This tutorial work for all Vu + and all image?

The process is the same for flashing ... you have to remove all your usb devices ...

You are trying it on a Duo2, right?