Black Hole 3.0.3 Kodi Vu+ Duo2

No problem, atleast that seems to confirm that it is a driver issue, just a shame there is nothing we can do, we just have to wait for vu+ to fix it.

it seems it is only with blackhole, I have taken time to try many images but it is only with this Blackhole that one cant even use WLan .
I would request the makers of Blackhole to look into this issue because it has been long overlooked since the previous versions.
thank you
it seems it is only with blackhole, I have taken time to try many images but it is only with this Blackhole that one cant even use WLan .
I would request the makers of Blackhole to look into this issue because it has been long overlooked since the previous versions.
thank you
3.0.3 a b and c are the only blackhole images i have had this problem with wifi slowdown and as my vu is in the dmz on the router and the fact its fine on all other blackhole images before 3.0.3 then i have to agree with evo about the driver's