Black Hole 3.0.4 Vu+ Duo2

Thank you very much for the new BH image.

But i have a problem. I have downloaded the D.Explorer from BH Addons Plugins, but after the STB have restarted i cant find it in the BH Green Panel. Can someone tell me where i find it??


The Rookie
Thank you very much for the new BH image.

But i have a problem. I have downloaded the D.Explorer from BH Addons Plugins, but after the STB have restarted i cant find it in the BH Green Panel. Can someone tell me where i find it??


The Rookie

Try long press on the blue button,
and also In green panel green button BH plugins and also in Main Menu >> Plugins
Then you did not install the plugin.
It writes that it is installed and STB restarts. But it does not appear inside the green panel. And when I enter (Addons Manager) and (Addons Uninstall Panel) is it there (enigma-plugin-extensions-dreamexplorer.del) ???
I have to get it installed, otherwise I can not record from all my tuners


Do you download from the BH image server ?

Green button >> Yellow >> Addons Download Manager >> Black Hole plugins >> Dream-Explorer v 7.3 HD (IPK Packages) (Black Hole E2)

Do you download from the BH image server ?

Green button >> Yellow >> Addons Download Manager >> Black Hole plugins >> Dream-Explorer v 7.3 HD (IPK Packages) (Black Hole E2)
Yes i have. I have just tried to take power from STB and install it again, and now it works. Very strange. But thank you for the help, it was really nice of you to help me