I use my Vu+ duo2 in China.But black hole image does not support Chinese language. The EPG shows uncongnized characters. How to solve this problem?Thanks.
I´ve maked a search and
try this:
It doesnt matter what image you use as it's a modification you need to make in your GUI
Step 1. Telnet in and init 4
Step 2. ftp in to /usr/share/fonts/
add a JAPANESE font (be carefull some font will cause a crash) I use togoshi-monago.ttf
Step 3. ftp in to /usr/share/enigma2/
now if you are using a default skin you need to edit skin.xml
If you are using a non default skin you need the skin.xml file in the folder of the skin you are using.
Once you have opened skin.xml scroll down to fonts paragraph
<!-- <font filename="md_khmurabi_10.ttf" name="Regular" scale="90" /> -->
<font filename="nmsbd.ttf" name="Regular" scale="90" />
<font filename="lcd.ttf" name="LCD" scale="100" />
<font filename="togoshi-monago.ttf" name="Replacement" scale="90" replacement="1" />
<font filename="tuxtxt.ttf" name="Console" scale="100" />
You need to replace the name of the font which = replacement with the name of the japanese font you placed in to the fonts folder
Step 4. Telnet init 3
That then should allow you to see Japanese texts.
NOTE: You can adapt this minimal guide to chinese fonts
best regards