About Chinese language support


Vu+ Newbie
I use my Vu+ duo2 in China.But black hole image does not support Chinese language. The EPG shows uncongnized characters. How to solve this problem?Thanks.
I use my Vu+ duo2 in China.But black hole image does not support Chinese language. The EPG shows uncongnized characters. How to solve this problem?Thanks.

I´ve maked a search and

try this:

It doesnt matter what image you use as it's a modification you need to make in your GUI

Step 1. Telnet in and init 4

Step 2. ftp in to /usr/share/fonts/
add a JAPANESE font (be carefull some font will cause a crash) I use togoshi-monago.ttf

Step 3. ftp in to /usr/share/enigma2/
now if you are using a default skin you need to edit skin.xml
If you are using a non default skin you need the skin.xml file in the folder of the skin you are using.
Once you have opened skin.xml scroll down to fonts paragraph

<!-- <font filename="md_khmurabi_10.ttf" name="Regular" scale="90" /> -->
<font filename="nmsbd.ttf" name="Regular" scale="90" />
<font filename="lcd.ttf" name="LCD" scale="100" />
<font filename="togoshi-monago.ttf" name="Replacement" scale="90" replacement="1" />
<font filename="tuxtxt.ttf" name="Console" scale="100" />

You need to replace the name of the font which = replacement with the name of the japanese font you placed in to the fonts folder

Step 4. Telnet init 3

That then should allow you to see Japanese texts.

NOTE: You can adapt this minimal guide to chinese fonts

best regards
Many thanks! So happy to see that.I will try it today.

I´ve maked a search and

try this:

It doesnt matter what image you use as it's a modification you need to make in your GUI

Step 1. Telnet in and init 4

Step 2. ftp in to /usr/share/fonts/
add a JAPANESE font (be carefull some font will cause a crash) I use togoshi-monago.ttf

Step 3. ftp in to /usr/share/enigma2/
now if you are using a default skin you need to edit skin.xml
If you are using a non default skin you need the skin.xml file in the folder of the skin you are using.
Once you have opened skin.xml scroll down to fonts paragraph

<!-- <font filename="md_khmurabi_10.ttf" name="Regular" scale="90" /> -->
<font filename="nmsbd.ttf" name="Regular" scale="90" />
<font filename="lcd.ttf" name="LCD" scale="100" />
<font filename="togoshi-monago.ttf" name="Replacement" scale="90" replacement="1" />
<font filename="tuxtxt.ttf" name="Console" scale="100" />

You need to replace the name of the font which = replacement with the name of the japanese font you placed in to the fonts folder

Step 4. Telnet init 3

That then should allow you to see Japanese texts.

NOTE: You can adapt this minimal guide to chinese fonts

best regards
I tried this method,but it does not works with my Duo2. And I alaso tried to use with other IMAGES such as openATV and Vu+ Official IMAGE.
Any other solutions or did I do something not correctly?

1. I used a Chinese font also named 'ae_AlMateen.ttf'(5057KB) which works in a Chinese openPLI IMAGE.
2. Fonts part of the skin_default.xml file is below:
<font filename="nmsbd.ttf" name="Regular" scale="90" />
<font filename="andale.ttf" name="Fixed" scale="100" />
<font filename="tuxtxt.ttf" name="Console" scale="100" />
<!-- Arabic and Thai char set replacement -->
<font filename="ae_AlMateen.ttf" name="Replacement" scale="100" replacement="1" />
<!-- Aliases that should be present -->
<alias name="Body" font="Regular" size="20" height="25" />
<alias name="ChoiceList" font="Regular" size="20" height="25" />
<alias name="TextNormal" font="Regular" size="20" height="24" />

The screen capture is blow:
IMG_20150326_233047.jpg IMG_20150326_234328.jpg IMG_20150328_012231.jpg
After tried all can find methods, there is a temporary solution.
1. Replace libdvbsi++.so.1.0.0 with attached file which is recompiled to encoding Chinese language correctly.
2. Modify the skin.xml or corresponding skin file fonts with a Chinese fonts.
3. Restart.


  • libdvbsi++.so.1.0.rar
    587.8 KB · Views: 51
  • IMG_20150404_012421.jpg
    349.8 KB · Views: 28
  • IMG_20150404_012954.jpg
    191.9 KB · Views: 22
After tried all can find methods, there is a temporary solution.
1. Replace libdvbsi++.so.1.0.0 with attached file which is recompiled to encoding Chinese language correctly.
2. Modify the skin.xml or corresponding skin file fonts with a Chinese fonts.
3. Restart.

I use my Vu+ duo2 in China.
I tried this method,but it does not works with my Duo2.
How to solve this problem?Thanks.


Replace libdvbsi++.so.1.0.0 、Modify the skin.xml:
Last edited:
Hello, for me the font part works well for the tv channels names , but not for EPG, when i replace the
libdvbsi++.so.1.0.rar the booting hangs. I have vu+ ultimo 4k with blackhole 3.0.4.
(original i renamed) all permissions on both files are the same.
any suggestions or new version of the file,
much appreciated.
Why you can replace? You hve problem only with EPG ?
Whot orginal skin from Bh you try on your box ?
You have any crashlog ?
Thank you for reply
I have replace as per according above instruction.
In epg i get meaningless garbage, it wont display Chinese characters properly (at all).
I have original BH sking.
It does not crash just hangs, no logs. when hangs there is no enigma2 process registered in ps -A.
I have adjusted the skin.xml accordingly and place the font in right place, the channels are displayed correctly with the right font and meaning.
when I replaced the enclosed file in /usr/lib/libdvbsi++.so.1.0.0
the vu++ boots up to the point "loading gui" and never passes that point.
when i put back the original it works again.

I tried with OpenPLI, it has different approach in the enigma2 skin configuration, it let configure fall back on codepage if not provided by sender, nevertheless i could not make to work, no instruction on configuration. Limited functionality