Hungarian Thread


Vu+ Newbie
Hi Everyone,

I thought that it would be a good idea to dedicate a thread where Hungarian specific issues could be discussed, localized settings, knowledge could be shared. Although the section is dedicated for Hungarian issues the language shall be kept in English so others could benefit from the

As a first step here are some local things.

Hi Everyone,

Here is a new set of Hungarian UPC Direct HD transparent picons. It supports
Solo4K's large LCD and the on screen infobar as well. I created both SRP and
SNP formats, and I hope that it will work with every BH versions.

If I missed something, just let me know. If you have trouble to use them just
drop a note.



EPG characters: in some cases EPG cannot display Hungarian characters. That is due to
the encoding.conf file that can be found in /usr/share/enigma2 directory.

Here is an encoding.conf file that corrects the problem. Just make a backup of your
encoding.conf and replace it with the attached file.


Satellite XML with those sats that can be reached from Hungary or has a beam to Hungary. The attached txt file contains the list of satellites included in the XML.


Hi Everyone,

I thought that it would be a good idea to dedicate a thread where Hungarian specific issues could be discussed, localized settings, knowledge could be shared. Although the section is dedicated for Hungarian issues the language shall be kept in English so others could benefit from the

As a first step here are some local things.

Hello All,

I think that's a good idea to have such a thread.


I have the same problem with VU+UNO. I can`t set up the 11823 H freq. for hungarian HD channels. I have 2 more HD receivers, Amiko and Opticum. They are working perfect with HD channels on 11823 horizontal freq., but the VU+ not working. The other channels are ok on the VU. I don`t know what is the problem. Can anybody help me? Thanks.
I have the same problem with VU+UNO. I can`t set up the 11823 H freq. for hungarian HD channels. I have 2 more HD receivers, Amiko and Opticum. They are working perfect with HD channels on 11823 horizontal freq., but the VU+ not working. The other channels are ok on the VU. I don`t know what is the problem. Can anybody help me? Thanks.

What are the channels that you would like to watch? Earlier I uploaded a 'lamedb' database that contains
all HD channels for UPC Direct. You could download the DreamSet editor (,
connect it to your VU+ UNO and upload the channels to in the 'lamedb' database.

I attached a picture on the channels in the 'lamedb' database.

Let me know whether it worked or not.



  • UPC_Direct_Channels.jpg
    48.5 KB · Views: 132

Here is a new set of picons extended with new UPC Direct channels
(Chili, Humor+, Kiwi, Spíler, Izaura, Zenebutik, Fem3, RTL Spike).

Just extract the files from SRP or SNP rars to one of the following

/usr/share/enigma2/picon (internal) or

Also attached a 'lamedb' DreamSet database with the new channels.



I need M1 HD, TV2 HD and the rest of the channels on that frequency. (attached file)
I updated the "lamedb" file via dreamset editor. I have now M1 HD, and TV2 HD in my channellist, but there is an error message "no data on the transponder", "timeout reading PAT".
The signal is normal. 97-99%.
Thanks. ps. can not attach files, because I`m newbie
I need M1 HD, TV2 HD and the rest of the channels on that frequency. (attached file)
I updated the "lamedb" file via dreamset editor. I have now M1 HD, and TV2 HD in my channellist, but there is an error message "no data on the transponder", "timeout reading PAT".
The signal is normal. 97-99%.
Thanks. ps. can not attach files, because I`m newbie

Rar it or Zip the file and you can upload it. Tell me your provider UPC Direct, Digi, etc. attach the lamedb file and I will make it for you to try.
Solved. :)
I upgraded my drivers via "FPGA upgrade" plugin.
Now working everything fine.
I watching on UPC, Digi, Focus Sat providers channels.
Thank You. :)

Here is a new set of picons extended with new UPC Direct channels
(Chili, Humor+, Kiwi, Spíler, Izaura, Zenebutik, Fem3, RTL Spike).

Just extract the files from SRP or SNP rars to one of the following

/usr/share/enigma2/picon (internal) or

Also attached a 'lamedb' DreamSet database with the new channels.



I have just realized that Picons disappeared from the LCD screen when I upgraded from
3.0.2 to 3.0.3. Here is the solution to get them back:

1) Look for the following file: /etc/enigma2/skin_user.xml.

2) Open the file with an editor (e.g.: Notepad++).

3) Look for the section that starts with: <screen name="InfoBarSummary" position="0,0" size="480,320" id="1">

4) Add the following lines to the code withing the section
<widget source="session.CurrentService" render="Picon" position="130,60" size="220,132" path="picon">
<convert type="ServiceName">Reference</convert>

5) Save the file on the receiver.

6) Restart the receiver and Picons should appear on the LCD screen.

I uplodaded a txt file as well, on how the section should look. The last part of the code contains the extra lines.


Here is a 'Lame DB' database for DreamSet Editor, containing UPC Direct channels,
all Free to View channels + UHD channels from:

Astra: 28.2 E
Astra: 19.2 E
Eutelsat: 16.0 E
Hotbird: 13.0 E
Eurobird: 9.0 E
Thor: 0.8 W

You can upload it to your VU+ through DreamSet Editor.


Hi All!

Is there a way to use English menu for BH, but keep the EPG language Hungarian on UPC Direct channels? On some channels, eg: HBO if I change the menu to english, also the EPG will change to english (3-day EPG). Is there a way to set it separately?
Hi All!

Is there a way to use English menu for BH, but keep the EPG language Hungarian on UPC Direct channels? On some channels, eg: HBO if I change the menu to english, also the EPG will change to english (3-day EPG). Is there a way to set it separately?

Hi Kogabe,

I started to look for the solution and here we go. I found the attached plugin that works for me perfectly. The way to use it:


1) Extract the RAR file and copy the 'enigma2-plugin-epg-language_1.05_all.ipk' file to the VU+'s 'tmp' directory.

2) Press 'menu' on your remote then select > 'Addons' > 'Manually install Ipk packages'

3) Select the package 'enigma2-plugin-epg-language_1.05_all' and install it.

4) VU+ Restarts

5) Press 'menu' on your remote then select > 'Setup' > 'System' > 'EPG Language and cache' (last item, scroll down)

6) When the plugin is launched > 'Enable EPG language - Yes' then 'Enable autostart - Yes' then 'EPG language - Hungarian'

Good Luck!



Hi All,

Here is a new encoding.conf with updated transponders. I should fix some of the missed characters.

Just a bit of an extension: in some cases EPG cannot display Hungarian characters. That is due to
the encoding.conf file that can be found in /usr/share/enigma2 directory in case of 'Enigma 2'
receivers, like VU+. In case of 'Enigma 1' receivers you will find it in /var/tubox/config/enigma/.

This encoding.conf file that corrects the EPG character problem, I updated them with new transponders. Just
make a backup of your encoding.conf and replace it with the attached file.

Some of the Blackhole updates replace the encoding.conf (just as it happened few weeks ago), just overwrite
the file again.

Hi Everyone,

Here is a new 'lamedb' database for DreamSet editor, including
the chnage in transponder and frequency for:
-Izaura TV

Also attached in FAV list as well.



hi csaba from hungarian (Komló)
segitsetek .vettem egy vu+ uno t dvb c tunerral digi kabelhez hogyan es mivel tudom megoldani a kodolt csatornak vételét?