DVB-S2X tuner

and a big disappointment for this glorious brand this lack of .dreambox with the new Turners for the 9 series has recovered. pity x octagon that does not make a substitute for the 4008. if not for vu I see it gray
If you make an 8K receiver, there is no problem @Matrix10
With the 4K channels, the receiver adapts them to 1080 with good quality (the VU + equipment that you watch), we hope that with the 8K channels the same thing happens.
They left me a VU + Zero4K tuner SI2166 (DVB-S2X) to watch the 5W streaming channels and very well, low quality.:grin:
Si hacen un receptor 8K, no hay problema Matrix10.
Con los canales 4K, el receptor los adapta a 1080 con buena calida (los equipos VU+ que mire), esperemos que con los canales 8K pase lo mismo.
Me dejaron un VU+Zero4K tuner SI2166 (DVB-S2X) para ver los canales de streaming de 5W y muy bien, poca calidad.:grin:
En españo para mi.



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If you make an 8K receiver, there is no problem @Matrix10
With the 4K channels, the receiver adapts them to 1080 with good quality (the VU + equipment that you watch), we hope that with the 8K channels the same thing happens.
(irony)View attachment 40527
They left me a VU + Zero4K tuner SI2166 (DVB-S2X) to watch the 5W streaming channels and very well, low quality.:grin:
Si hacen un receptor 8K, no hay problema Matrix10.
Con los canales 4K, el receptor los adapta a 1080 con buena calida (los equipos VU+ que mire), esperemos que con los canales 8K pase lo mismo.
(ironia)View attachment 40528
Me dejaron un VU+Zero4K tuner SI2166 (DVB-S2X) para ver los canales de streaming de 5W y muy bien, poca calidad.:grin:
En españo para mi.


I agree with you that the quality is not the best, but a top receiver (also as price) as the Ulitimo 4k must tune or otherwise vu should solve the problem always admitted that there is .Io I had to remove the ultmo4k and buy an octagon SF 4008 to see them and I guarantee that it costs a 1/3 but does not give problems. I wanted to replace it to get a receiver that had at least 2 slots there and I would have opted for the DM920, but vu does not (at least for now) a receiver that can accommodate my requests. personal is clear
As always, everything depends on the needs of each one.
Those channels are not within my needs, I feel the problem of many.

I need 8 satellite tuner at least.
I need 1 tuner DVB-T2 integrated in the equipment, if they are 2 better.
Being able to have a large capacity hard disk in the receiver, if they are cheaper, better ==> 3'5".
Manage low SR.
Have blind search.
To easily control the temperature/ventilation of the receiver.
Without forgetting to have a good EPG, BH happens, indicate that we do not put the EPG download channels or use the download of some web as a solution to the problem in the VU+4K receivers, a very good solution, I laugh when I read it.

The optagon SF4008 does not cover my needs.
At least I have qviart Lunix3 4K. (SR1500)
Almost everything with VU+Ultimo4K (SR2000) and a NAS in RED (VU+DUO2+4SAT+2TDT).
Several VU+DUO2 for blind search, the Optagon SX88 search blind/streaming, low SR with Dreambox800S-HD and TBS5925.
As I say, everyone has what they want/need and can pay.
Como siempre, todo depende de las necesidades de cada uno.
Esos canales no estan dentro de mis necesidades, siento el problema de muchos.

Necesito 8 tuner de satelite como minimo.
Necesito 1 tuner DVB-T2 integrado en el equipo, si son 2 mejor.
Poder tener disco duro de gran capacidad en el receptor, si son baratos mejor ==> 3'5"
Manejar SR bajos.
Tener busqueda ciega.
Poder controlar facilmente la temperatura/ventilacion del receptor.
Sin olvidar tener un buen EPG, BH pasa, indican que no pongamos los canales de descarga de EPG o usemos la descarga de alguna web como solucion del problema en los receptores VU+4K, una solucion muy buena, me rio cuando la leo.

El optagon SF4008 no cubre mis necesidades.
Como minimo tengo qviart Lunix3 4K(SR1500).
Casi todo con VU+Ultimo4K (SR2000) y un NAS en RED (VU+DUO2+4SAT+2TDT).
Varios VU+DUO2 para busqueda ciega, el Optagon SX88 busqueda ciega/streaming, SR bajos con Dreambox800S-HD y TBS5925.
Como digo, cada uno tiene lo que quiere/necesita y puede pagar.
En español para mi.
hi I have a problem with my demodulator vu + zero 4k when I turn on the demodulator it works quickly but after 3 minutes it becomes very slow and inzapping knowing that I changed all the images but I think this problem is to back to heat ..
so how do I change the thermal paste
I do not think any Vu+ product made after the Duo2 can manage low SR and blind search or blindscan. The Zero 4K has a blindscan but it is broken for almost a year, and cannot be counted. Seems Vu+ only offers fancy subscription boxes now.
Well, you can ask it to Baby Jesus.
These type of posts help no one.
The lack of support for PLS/MIS in the high priced VU+ receivers is not good. Other receivers have these features and they cost less money. Making fun of someone or posting a reply like you did does not change this fact.

Treat People Like you would want to be treated!
I wondered what a sacred thing like Christmas had to do with this, just that. And I think this kind of tuner is so very few useful, that it's a bit exaggerated to always talk about this.
Hello everyone

Can someone please help me fix this problem, i just brought my

Vu+Duo 4K 1x DVB-S2X FBC Twin Tuner PVR ready Linux Receiver UHD 2160p today, but if i scanning channels on 5.0w eutelsat streaming channels Italian RAI package it's not showing, only normal channels shows on screen, so it's there any configuration or solution i try with OPENATV and open blackhole.

Hello everyone

Can someone please help me fix this problem, i just brought my

Vu+Duo 4K 1x DVB-S2X FBC Twin Tuner PVR ready Linux Receiver UHD 2160p today, but if i scanning channels on 5.0w eutelsat streaming channels Italian RAI package it's not showing, only normal channels shows on screen, so it's there any configuration or solution i try with OPENATV and open blackhole.

No fix or solution because your tuner isn't multistream (no PLS/MIS).
I also am very interested by french multistream channels of the 5W, because it's not CRYPTED. Everytime you have encrypted signals there are some problems, like for example, the Ci+ PCMCIA for the french tnt and the Ci for the swiss channel... They can't work in the same time because of the common interface assignement, and that's a shame. I have no solution now, i have tested the DREAMBOX 920, and impossible to receive this multistream channels (it was ok for the italian ones)
DM920 have also big problems with DiseQC 2.0 (incredible in 2019) and also with pcmcia Ci+.... so i bring back the receiver to the seller.
Maybe i will buy an octagon receiver, but i hesitate....
VU+ offical website added DVB-S2X tuner as an accessory, now owners of Ultimo 4K, Uno 4K, Uno 4K SE, Duo 4K can simply add the new piece or replace their tuners to be able to receive multistream channels.
VU+ offical website added DVB-S2X tuner as an accessory, now owners of Ultimo 4K, Uno 4K, Uno 4K SE, Duo 4K can simply add the new piece or replace their tuners to be able to receive multistream channels.

Users constantly mix different things.
Multistream channels (MIS) and DVB-S2X are two different things.
If you have an S2X tuner it does not mean you have automatic MIS channels.