DVB-S2X tuner

Users constantly mix different things.
Multistream channels (MIS) and DVB-S2X are two different things.
If you have an S2X tuner it does not mean you have automatic MIS channels.
How many times more you'll have to underline this? ;) This issue about MiS is becoming... tragic.
Does DVB-S2 FCB tuner same as DVB-S2X, i am in canada and i want to buy reciever for DVB-S2X , is it ULTIMO 4k satisfy my need?
i found this link
You do not want a Vu+ receiver for use in Canada. No current Vu+ product is suitable for use in North America. You will be able to watch some tv and manually scan some satellites. Media features of course will work, but you will waste your money if you buy for satellite features.
Thanks for your reply
I want to zap encrypt European satellite in Canada Satellite like Astra 1m , Hotbird , ... I am not sure if DVB-S2 FCB tuners are same as DVB-S2X? also i am not sure if European satellite has beam in Canada? i am looking to buy vu ultimo 4k , but not sure if it works with European satellite?
There is no FCB tiner that I know of. I think you mean FBC, which is pretty useless for North America.
European satellite beams do not exist in North America except for a few on the Atlantic satellites. You will not get Astra 1M, Hotbird...etc as they are below the horizon.

Vu+ offers a DVB-S2X tuner in the Zero 4K, but the blindscan is trash. North America needs blindscan so the Vu+ Zero 4k is not a good choice for North America either.
I am waiting for the tests of a store, comparing the VU-zero4K with the new tuner in another receiver, but the technician is on vacation.View attachment 38370

The theme with the new tuners FCB is the chip that has the tuner.
The chip 45308 (DVB-S2X) allows to tune these channels.
The chip 45208 (DVB-S2X) does not allow tuning these channels.

The plate is identical/even the serigraphy/date of manufacture, but it changes the chip that it has.
FCB tuner, old model, with chip 45208 (DVB-S2) ......... Vuplus DVB-S NIM(45208 FBC) (DVB-S2) nones.:sad:
Tuner FCB, new model, with chip 45308 (DVB-S2X) ... Vuplus DVB-S NIM(45308 FBC) (DVB-S2X) ok.:yahoo:
Estoy esperando las pruebas de una tienda, comparando el VU-zero4K con el nuevo tuner en otro deco, pero el tecnico esta de vacaciones.View attachment 38371

El tema con los nuevos sintonizadores/tuner FCB es el chip que tiene el tuner.
El chip 45308 (DVB-S2X) permite sintonizar estos canales.
El chip 45208 (DVB-S2X) no permite sintonizar estos canales.

La placa es identica/incluso la serigrafia/fecha de fabricacion, pero cambia el chip que tiene.
Tuner FCB, modelo viejo, con chip 45208 (DVB-S2).........Vuplus DVB-S NIM(45208 FBC) (DVB-S2) nones.:sad:
Tuner FCB, modelo nuevo, con chip 45308 (DVB-S2X)...Vuplus DVB-S NIM(45308 FBC) (DVB-S2X) ok.:yahoo:
En español para mi.

View attachment 38373
Hola, buenos dias tururu, quisiera hacerte una pregunta:

El vu+zero 4k soporta multistream y pls? Son todos los vu+zero 4k , o depende de la fecha de fabricación?
Muchas gracias
Remember, when you get to a house, the first thing is to introduce yourself and read the rules.
In this section, the language is English..
Recuerda, al llegar a una casa, lo primero es presentarse y leer las normas.
En esta seccion, el idioma es ingles.
Hola, buenos dias tururu, quisiera hacerte una pregunta:
El vu+zero 4k soporta multistream y pls? Son todos los vu+zero 4k , o depende de la fecha de fabricación?
Muchas gracias
The VU + Zero4K has the soldier tuner in base plate and has nothing to do with the tuner of this thread.
It's the same from the first day it went on sale, they support multistream and pls.
In Spanish for me.
El VU+Zero4K tiene el tuner soldado en placa base y no tiene nada que ver con los tuner de este hilo.
Es el mismo desde el primer dia que se puso a la venta, soportan multistream y pls.
En español para mi.
I am waiting for the tests of a store, comparing the VU-zero4K with the new tuner in another receiver, but the technician is on vacation.View attachment 38370

The theme with the new tuners FCB is the chip that has the tuner.
The chip 45308 (DVB-S2X) allows to tune these channels.
The chip 45208 (DVB-S2X) does not allow tuning these channels.

The plate is identical/even the serigraphy/date of manufacture, but it changes the chip that it has.
FCB tuner, old model, with chip 45208 (DVB-S2) ......... Vuplus DVB-S NIM(45208 FBC) (DVB-S2) nones.:sad:
Tuner FCB, new model, with chip 45308 (DVB-S2X) ... Vuplus DVB-S NIM(45308 FBC) (DVB-S2X) ok.:yahoo:

View attachment 38373

Very hysterical funny
Two identical tuners with identical specifications
There is no diagnostic path other than the label!
Users constantly mix different things.
Multistream channels (MIS) and DVB-S2X are two different things.
If you have an S2X tuner it does not mean you have automatic MIS channels.
sorry for my English, I speak French usually, Matrix10, can you explain the difference between multistream and PLS / MIS, because it is true that it is not clear for everyone, nor for me.
I bought a VU + DUO4K with FBC cable tuner and Vuplus DVB-S NIM (45308X FBC) (DVB-S2X) to receive Fransat's multistreams on the 5W. after trying, I received nothing as chains? is this image that allows this, I am under: OE System: 3.0
Firmware Version: BlackHole (2019-02-15-master)
Core Version / Drivers: 4.1.45 / N / A

Best regards , Titoon
What is multistream reception ?

Multistream is a package in satellite stream,
with different channels in Stream.
In order to receive these channels, we must unpack them from the complete stream.
Something like a ZIP file on a PC.

Multistream Reception is an extension for the professional use of TV and radio signals to DVB-T broadcasting sites.
So they are satellite repeaters for Earth stations, for DVB-T/T2
With the multistream reception often also interesting programs are transmitted and main programs which are coded away over the classical signal, these are uncoded in the multistream sub-package.


There is no direct relationship with multistream,
indirectly yes
because multistream uses a wider range
this is the new standard for a satellite with better technical characteristics than DVB-S2.
All this information can be found on the Internet
Last edited:
To add thanks to PLI team

Multistream with a enigma receiver:
Here some facts:

  1. Multistream is a Tuner feature (so any receiver with a pluggable tuner and multistream capable tuner can receive multistream)
  2. Multistream is currently enabled on develop branch. So it is not available with OpenPLi 4
In order to identify a multistream card we are queriying via DVB API 5.10 the existance of FE_CAN_MULTISTREAM. Once a tuner has above feature we are allowing IS (Input Stream - ISSY) and PLS (Physical Layer Scrambling) configuration.

There are tuners that support only Multistream but do not support PLS. Ther are tuners that support limited PLS (eg Combo on 30W is hard to get). Many multistream channels are available are on 5W and 12.5 W.

Multistream is a good candidate for S2X because of the gains on bandwitdh it provides, really required for wide adaption on 4K. Newer S2X tuners might include Multistream and PLS because it is described on eXtensions.

People with an Multistream tuner should know the MIS/PLS parameters or use a ready satellites.xml (eg http://satellites-xml.org/ mantained from Huevos contain already the required configuration)

Very hysterical funny
Two identical tuners with identical specifications
There is no diagnostic path other than the label!

The plates are completely identical in serigraphy, and almost all the electronics, except one component that is under the black heatsink.
How to know what tuner you have?
Looking at the information in the box, you will have a label that indicates it, if you open the device, you can see the label that the tuner has that identifies you.

If you have doubts, how to make a diagnosis to the receiver and know what you really have? Simple looks ......
Entering through openwebif and itches in information.
Enter the tuner settings and see what you have.
Simple and fast.
You will see something like that.
Las placas son totalmente identicas en serigrafia, y casi toda la electronica, menos un componente que esta debajo del disipador.
Como saber que tuner tienes.?
Mirando la informacion de la caja, tendra una etiqueta que lo indica, si abres el equipo, podras ver la etiquete que tiene el tuner que identifica que tienes.

Si tienes dudas, como hacer un diagnostico al receptor y saber que tienes realmente.? Sencillo mira ......
Entrando por openwebif y pica en informacion.
Entra en la configuracion de los tuner y mira que tienes.
Sencillo y rapido.
Veras algo asi (en español para mi).
So, we have two ways to trust the purchase that we have
1. Trust to the paper label
2. Install the tuner in the box
It is not logical at all
What nonsense ..
If you do not trust the store where you buy, buy in another that gives you more confidence.
In the old days, when buying a watermelon, you could ask for a cove and see if the content is mature.
I hope to understand the subject well, apologize for the translation.
Que tonteria.
Si no confias en la tienda donde compras, compra en otra que te de mas confianza.
Antiguamente, al comprar una sandia, la podias pedir a cala y ver si esta maduro el contenido.
Espero entender bien el tema, disculpa por la traduccion.

Hi everyone,
we turn around the subject and nobody gives a clear answer: Vu + duo with DVB-S2x tuner receives MIS channels or not?
if YES with what software?
Hi everyone,
we turn around the subject and nobody gives a clear answer: Vu + duo with DVB-S2x tuner receives MIS channels or not?
if YES with what software?
This is the last time and then enough:
The new Duo 4K with S2X tuner is not able to receive the MIS channels and therefore does not tune into multistream channels.