DVB-S2X tuner

To add thanks to PLI team

Multistream with a enigma receiver:
Here some facts:

  1. Multistream is a Tuner feature (so any receiver with a pluggable tuner and multistream capable tuner can receive multistream)
  2. Multistream is currently enabled on develop branch. So it is not available with OpenPLi 4
In order to identify a multistream card we are queriying via DVB API 5.10 the existance of FE_CAN_MULTISTREAM. Once a tuner has above feature we are allowing IS (Input Stream - ISSY) and PLS (Physical Layer Scrambling) configuration.

There are tuners that support only Multistream but do not support PLS. Ther are tuners that support limited PLS (eg Combo on 30W is hard to get). Many multistream channels are available are on 5W and 12.5 W.

Multistream is a Tuner feature (so any receiver with a pluggable tuner and multistream capable tuner can receive multistream) [/QUOTE]

my duo4K has DVB-S NIM (45308X FBC) (DVB-S2X) : hardware level this is good ?
There are tuners that support only Multistream but do not support PLS.
this is done at the software level? no or so it's also hardware that depends on it ?

because it confuses people, it's like in the beginning of the DVB-T2 French, on the DM8000hd we did not have the AC3 sound, then the teams developed it. is it the same for this tuner of this VU + duo4K : DVB-S NIM (45308X FBC) (DVB-S2X)

Best regards , Phil
I do not see any real confusion here.
It's clear S2X tuner
What's the point ?

DVB-S NIM (45308X FBC) (DVB-S2X)
Tuner functions as S2X.
Until something is done (if possible)
it is a S2X tuner without MIS

In addition to confusion is in understanding the differences between S2X and S2X + MIS
believing that if S2X it is automatically MIS .
What has been written many times that is not so.
It is clear that some do not want to understand, will have to enter the information with hammer.a4979.gif
Esta claro que algunos no lo quieren entender, tendra que entrar la informacion a martillazos.
Hello Matrix10,Tururu,
I think I have understood this time.
I will have to wait for a S2X + MIS tuner, if VU + the spell for my Duo4K
sorry not to master as you technique , but thank you for having answered me and informed.

Best regards , Phil
I do not see any real confusion here.
It's clear S2X tuner
What's the point ?

DVB-S NIM (45308X FBC) (DVB-S2X)
Tuner functions as S2X.
Until something is done (if possible)
it is a S2X tuner without MIS

In addition to confusion is in understanding the differences between S2X and S2X + MIS
believing that if S2X it is automatically MIS .
What has been written many times that is not so.

Hallo Matrix 10
So you are telling us vu+duo4k tuner DVB-S2X FBC Twin Tuner PVR ready is multistream so the problem from hardware or software? I just wanted to know if they released new drivers it's going to work?


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Hallo Matrix 10
So you are telling us vu+duo4k tuner DVB-S2X FBC Twin Tuner PVR ready is multistream so the problem from hardware or software? I just wanted to know if they released new drivers it's going to work?

Let's go round again.
I have not written anywhere that this is a multi stream tuner.
I dont know that.
I'd love the same as you do if it's possible.
What I do not know.
Consulting VU+ the question of casco, Matrix10, Tururu, etc. and other partners.
Consultando a VU+ la pregunta de casco, Matrix10, Tururu, etc. y resto de compañeros.

El telefono del que sabe lo tiene alguien? a6701.gif
The phone that knows someone has it?

For the blind search more of the same and that is written and do not comply, but almost nobody complains.
Para la busqueda ciega mas de lo mismo y eso esta escrito y no cumplen, pero casi nadie se queja.
Buenas , tengo un vu duo 4k con la ultima imagen blackhole , intento sintonizar los canales multistream y no me los sintoniza , se puede saber el porque ?
Some friends have the deco vu + duo 4k with tuner fbc-dvbs2x and when they want to tune the multistream channels of the hispasat it does not give them any option to configure and put the correct data to be able to tune and see those channels, it seems that with the black- hole They can not do that and have told them to switch to the openatv image and with it if they could display the menu and configure that section to see those channels and before changing the image I would like to know if it is true or not, the one with an image if you can and with another you can not
thanks and regards
Some friends have the deco vu + duo 4k with tuner fbc-dvbs2x and when they want to tune the multistream channels of the hispasat it does not give them any option to configure and put the correct data to be able to tune and see those channels, it seems that with the black- hole They can not do that and have told them to switch to the openatv image and with it if they could display the menu and configure that section to see those channels and before changing the image I would like to know if it is true or not, the one with an image if you can and with another you can not
thanks and regards

I think it's impossible because it depends on the tuner and the drivers.
From what we know the drivers are armored and released only by Vu +.
If Vu + has not released them how does OpenAtv have them in its image?
I think it's impossible because it depends on the tuner and the drivers.
From what we know the drivers are armored and released only by Vu +.
If Vu + has not released them how does OpenAtv have them in its image?
i because in the vu + zero 4k if it works with black hole and in the vu duo 4k it does not?
Different tuner (they have different tuner chip) and of course, different driver.
Distinto sintonizador (tienen distintos chip los tuner) y claro, diferentes driver.
What people forgot about Linux and Enigma2 is yes they are opensource and free for use in almost all devices.
But drivers are close source and needs an licens to be used. And Vu+ have no licens for the drivers.
If they ever get one i am not sure but they will never provide any hacked or illegal drivers as other Image Teams might use.
With that in my statement i dont say that any of the above mentation image provider are doing that for that i have no proof.

But i know that drivers come with a licens and that the first old S2X tuners hade a loophole in the drivers just like the CI+ module drivers did.

So we all just have to wait and see how Vu+ finally works this out but to hope for any illegal solution is like waiting fro snow in the Sahara ;)
What people forgot about Linux and Enigma2 is yes they are opensource and free for use in almost all devices.
But drivers are close source and needs an licens to be used. And Vu+ have no licens for the drivers.
If they ever get one i am not sure but they will never provide any hacked or illegal drivers as other Image Teams might use.
With that in my statement i dont say that any of the above mentation image provider are doing that for that i have no proof.

But i know that drivers come with a licens and that the first old S2X tuners hade a loophole in the drivers just like the CI+ module drivers did.

So we all just have to wait and see how Vu+ finally works this out but to hope for any illegal solution is like waiting fro snow in the Sahara ;)
i vu + know that he has to solve it or do people complain? what you give me more courage than other brands have it and vu with how hackish their decoders are not! I do not get it
i vu + know that he has to solve it or do people complain? what you give me more courage than other brands have it and vu with how hackish their decoders are not! I do not get it
Other brands with the same tuner chip ??
What makes curiosity ??, if you indicate the receiver model, it is appreciated.
Otras marcas con el mismo chip de tuner??
Que marcas curiosidad ??, si indicas el modelo de receptor, se agradece.

PS:VU+ also has it in the VU+zero4K/VU+ tambien lo tiene en el VU+zero4K.:offtopic: