Hallo to everyone 
I had the previous version of bh 3.09 and i tried to start the reciever.Unfortunately it was booting for several times without leaving you the opportunity to do anything else.I decided to install the lastest version but nothing changed.Then i tried to install openPli latest version so that i may cause the system to work.But the result is always the same.The Vu+duo is booting and then is starting to reboot again....
If you have any additional info that may help,please do.

I had the previous version of bh 3.09 and i tried to start the reciever.Unfortunately it was booting for several times without leaving you the opportunity to do anything else.I decided to install the lastest version but nothing changed.Then i tried to install openPli latest version so that i may cause the system to work.But the result is always the same.The Vu+duo is booting and then is starting to reboot again....
If you have any additional info that may help,please do.