vu+duo booting again & again


Vu+ Newbie
Hallo to everyone :)

I had the previous version of bh 3.09 and i tried to start the reciever.Unfortunately it was booting for several times without leaving you the opportunity to do anything else.I decided to install the lastest version but nothing changed.Then i tried to install openPli latest version so that i may cause the system to work.But the result is always the same.The Vu+duo is booting and then is starting to reboot again....

If you have any additional info that may help,please do.

If 3 different images have the same behaviour, what do you think? That's a software issue or, actually, a HW one? And, if this is the case, as I suspect, you can't get a solution to a HW failure from a forum. You need a technician, unless you are expert at least with electronic components like the capacitors, for example.
Before that, the only thing you must do, to decide it's a HW issue, is to disconnect every devices, internal or external, from your VU+.
If this does not change the scenario, then is sure it is faulty.
In fact,this was my second thought.The first one was that if i update the boot loader somehow,maybe i will fix the problem.Is that possible?
Well,i am trying to install the official image to see if there is any change.I realize that when you turn on the power button, a red dot appears in the screen of the reciever for 1-2 min.
After that period,the message "starting" is showing.I suppose from older updates of Bh,that you didnt have to wait and in seconds the message ''reading usb'' was showing at the screen of the reciever.I am just waiting and '' starting'' continue to exist for more than 2 min,so there must be a capasitor or power supply problem or something with an electronic component after all.
i must not forget to mention that the only cable that is connected to STB is HDMI.
Well,i am trying to install the official image to see if there is any change.I realize that when you turn on the power button, a red dot appears in the screen of the reciever for 1-2 min.
After that period,the message "starting" is showing.I suppose from older updates of Bh,that you didnt have to wait and in seconds the message ''reading usb'' was showing at the screen of the reciever.I am just waiting and '' starting'' continue to exist for more than 2 min,so there must be a capasitor or power supply problem or something with an electronic component after all.
i must not forget to mention that the only cable that is connected to STB is HDMI.

As I read your posts , it seems that you are trying to install the latest image on the STB flash directly, No that is not possible due to the large memory needed for the new images ( read the instructions/warning @ the bottom of post of the new images page), the old Dou cannot handle that.

The new images could be installed only on the multiboot, thus I recommended to install OBH on the flash then BH on the multiboot.

Good Luck
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I faced with this problem some months ago . HW issue on psu can cause this. measure for correct voltages and change c1(150 mf) capacitor if necessary.
Well,i tried again to load latest OHB from usb stick.Firstly,i must mention that for about 1-2 min i could only see the red dot in the screen up left.Does this mean anything?After that, the message 'starting' appeared in the screen of the stb.No 'usb reading' or somethimg like that.I waited a bit but nothing changed.After 10 minutes the stb was trying to load the latest image but with no result and at that time I saw at the Tv the logo of the image and in the screen of stb the message 'VU+DUO' and after 5 sec the loading was failing and the message 'starting' appeared again.And that was the case from that moment and then.

I suppose it is maybe a HW issue,probably a power supply issue that doesnt give the stb the corect voltage as doing different things while it is cold and after some minutes.In addition,it never recognized the usb with the update for some reason.

Thanks to everybody here for the support,i am looking forward to your replies.

Ese problema lo tuve en mi vu duo y lo solucione cambiando el condensador : hay muchos tutoriales, busca un amigo que sepa soldar y ya esta

Tambien puede deberse, y ya es más grave a la fuente de alimentación , pero aun hay repuestos, abre la caja y desatornillando un tornillo colocas la nueva fuente.

Hasta la fecha me sigue funcionando de maravilla. Es lo mejor que ha sacado Vu+.


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