Help for a Newbie solo2

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Vu+ Newbie
Hello all I have just brought a VU+solo2, got stuck a few times, it came pre flashed with BH, I also had to aline my motorized dish, anyway plugged it all in went to 1 west but could not get a sausage so more research, I download a channel list and with dreambox edit sent it to the box and wohoo got a picture locked the dish up all good but now the dish wont move when I select a channel I have it set on tuner A usals and tuner B equal to A. it will move on satfinder but not when I change channel, the only way it will work is if i un configire tuner B.... also need some help with the next step how to get and set up and use ****** a mate has given me a line............. any help would be gratefully received.
here is my set up
1 meter dish Trac and the motor is a motech 2100
i think its the latest BH got the box pre flashed from world of s............
my post code is LE77FU and at dish pointer i get lat 52.6733 and long -1.1948 and as the long is a minus i have read that i have to subtact it from 360.00 so what i put in for long was 358.805 west and lat 052.673 north
Hello all I have just brought a VU+solo2, got stuck a few times, it came pre flashed with BH, I also had to aline my motorized dish, anyway plugged it all in went to 1 west but could not get a sausage so more research, I download a channel list and with dreambox edit sent it to the box and wohoo got a picture locked the dish up all good but now the dish wont move when I select a channel I have it set on tuner A usals and tuner B equal to A. it will move on satfinder but not when I change channel, the only way it will work is if i un configire tuner B.... also need some help with the next step how to get and set up and use ****** a mate has given me a line............. any help would be gratefully received.
here is my set up
1 meter dish Trac and the motor is a motech 2100
i think its the latest BH got the box pre flashed from world of s............
my post code is LE77FU and at dish pointer i get lat 52.6733 and long -1.1948 and as the long is a minus i have read that i have to subtact it from 360.00 so what i put in for long was 358.805 west and lat 052.673 north

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