Announcements Vu+ Duo2

He means what vu duo 2 will be on shelves next month.
It a countdown-first they release drivers,next official image and then vu duo 2 ( which i hope will come at latest in the end of next month)
On solo2 was this same way.
I think on anga will be to see on VU+ stand.
I think alot people wait for this new box .
I think Vue+Duo2 can give nothing substantial to you compared to Solo2. May be somebody explain me what for it has 2GB memory, if I cannot use 1GB totally? And do you think picons look better on small Duo2 screen than on my 55" TV? Why many ppl wait for Duo2 when they can have Solo2 now at around 2 times lower price?
Is this love at first sight and nothing else?

You know
all the arguments that you write,
Some have written for all other receivers , in the last ten years.
But the facts are quite different.
It all depends on the needs and the money available for it.

I love everything that you forgot to write abt
and mostly better and stronger processor .


Let's look at comparisons old duo and solo2 (old post)

A similar theory as yours now
But now they have problems with lack of memory.
This does not mean that the OLD duo is bad receiver
but it has limitations.
Not to worry.
Let's leave it to future users

These receivers are getting better for the same or less money.
I do not see anything wrong.
On the contrary a very good trend.
I'm waiting in silence without polemic discussions :sleep: . Technical specifications are known. Anga Cable will be soon and release date too :yahoo:.
I think Vue+Duo2 can give nothing substantial to you compared to Solo2. May be somebody explain me what for it has 2GB memory, if I cannot use 1GB totally? And do you think picons look better on small Duo2 screen than on my 55" TV? Why many ppl wait for Duo2 when they can have Solo2 now at around 2 times lower price?

First of all the cpu is more powerful and support opengl2 (it could run a port of xbmc).
The lcd of the solo2 is really too small. The problem are not che picons in lcd but to have to read well time and titles. The duo2 have not only the lcd but have a vfd lcd like the ultimo too that is really comfortable in my opinion.
The duo2 allow also to install 3.5 hdd and this is good for me because i hate 2.5 drives.
But the most important feature for me are the p&p tuners and the possibility to install a dtt tuner too because i hate all the usb tuners that will never work like an internal and have issues with cable.
First of all the cpu is more powerful and support opengl2 (it could run a port of xbmc).
The lcd of the solo2 is really too small. The problem are not che picons in lcd but to have to read well time and titles. The duo2 have not only the lcd but have a vfd lcd like the ultimo too that is really comfortable in my opinion.
The duo2 allow also to install 3.5 hdd and this is good for me because i hate 2.5 drives.
But the most important feature for me are the p&p tuners and the possibility to install a dtt tuner too because i hate all the usb tuners that will never work like an internal and have issues with cable.
Yes this is reason why big number person buy this box.
I think this box will be have great succes.
The duo2 allow also to install 3.5 hdd and this is good for me because i hate 2.5 drives.
But the most important feature for me are the p&p tuners and the possibility to install a dtt tuner too because i hate all the usb tuners that will never work like an internal and have issues with cable.
I like SSD and all of them are 2.5" :D As a rule 3.5" HDDs produce too much heat in the box.
My TV set has built-in DVB-C and DVB-T2, thus it is not important feature of Duo2 for me.
I like SSD and all of them are 2.5" :D As a rule 3.5" HDDs produce too much heat in the box.
My TV set has built-in DVB-C and DVB-T2, thus it is not important feature of Duo2 for me.
SSD are by no doubt the future , but they are still expensive and have limited volume capacity . My Tv set has also DVB-C/T2 tuners , but then we do compromise and must use the TV set's GUI for those :no:. The day my TV set is running Black Hole ( I doubt this day will arrive sometime ) , I will definitely start using those built-in tuners .
The only Linux (Kernel 3.2+) supported T2 - stick is PCTV Systems nanoStick T2 290e (ID 2013:024f USB2.0 )
"Then of course there's the question of whether your machine is fast enough to decode HD streams. A decent dual-core CPU will do it":)
Duo2 is comming!
Vu+ started officially naming duo2 in drivers log!
- Support dual tuner blindscan(duo2, uno, ultimo)
- Switching to kernel 3.3.8(solo2, Needs a kernel update)
- Fix SD video output problem when transcoding enabled(solo2)
- Enhance demux filtering(solo2)
- Official duo2 driver release
- Support DTS-HD
- Add redundant interface to zapping mode
- Fix deinterlacer problem(solo2, duo2)
- Fix invalid module format(duo2)
It will be what his author has dreamt of. No modification to suit X or Y or Z. and no bla bla.
Before end of JULY the release date will be announced. Be patient. ASk for a trial ride with one of your friend who will be the
first to possess a unit. No offense to any member. rgds

499,00 EUR info hm-sat , satco


Das neues Flaggschiff der Marke VU+, der VU+ Duo², kündigt sich an. Mit diesem Gerät eröffnen sich völlig neue Möglichkeiten für den Benutzer. Neu ist die verbesserte Konnektiviät zu mobilen Geräten, wie Notebooks, Tablets oder Mobiltelefonen. Dank der Transcoding Funktion, des gigabit Lan und der schnellen Rechengeschwindigkeit können nun auch HDTV inhalte auf allen mobilen IOS oder Android Endgeräten gesehen werden. Die eingebaute Wlanschnittstelle erlaubt selbst unerfahrenen Benutzern Netzbasierte Inhalte wie HbbTV oder Streaming zu nutzen. Die bis zu 4 Plug and Play Tuner bieten genug Raum um auch anspruchsvolle Benutzer zufrieden zu stellen.

Digitaler Satelliten-Empfangsreceiver für HD TV- und Radioprogramme.

Hauptmerkmal ist der 1300 MHz starke Dual Core Prozessor der VU+ Duo². Erleben Sie HighDefinition TV mit Ihrem VU+ Duo².

2x Plug and Play Tuner DVB-S2 / DVB-C/T / DVB-S2 Dual

Transcoding Funktion

Airplay Funktion

Opera Browser


HDMI 1.4 Anschluss


Gigabit Lan

Plug&Play Halterung für 2,5" und 3,5" SATA - Festplatten

2 x Display ( VFD und LCD )


Technische Highlights:

1300 MHz Dual Core Mips Prozessor

1 GB Flash


Gigabit Lan

2 x DVB Common-Interface Einschub

2 x Smartcard-Reader (Xcrypt)

3 x USB(1x Front, 2 x Rückseite)

SPDIF Audio Ausgang optisch (digital)

1 x HDMI 1.4 Video/Audio Ausgang (digital)

1 x Scart (TV)

1 x Video Ausgang RCA

2 x Audio Ausgang (L/R) RCA (analog)

Plug&Play Halterung für 2,5 und 3,5" SATA - Festplatten

unlimitierte Kanalliste für TV/Radio

EPG (electronic program guide) Unterstützung

Unterstützung von Bouquet-Listen

OSD in vielen Sprachen und Skin-Unterstützung

automatischer /manueller Kanalsuchlauf

DiSEqC 1.0/1.1/1.2, USALS


VU+ Duo² Technische Daten:

DVB-S2 und DVB-S2 Dual Tuner:

Eingangsfrequenzbereich 950...2150 MHz

QPSK Demodulation nach EN 302 307

Eingangspegelbereich - 65 dBm...- 25 dBm

Rauschmaß 12 dB max.

DBS-Tuner Eingang F-Buchse

Eingangsimpedanz 75 Ohm

AFC-Fangbereich +/- 3 MHz

Demodulation Shaped QPSK und 8PSK

FEC Viterbi und Reed-Solomon

Viterbiraten 1/4, 1/3, 2/5, 1/2, 3/5, 2/3, 3/4, 4/5, 5/6, 8/9

Roll-off Factor 35 %

DVB-C/T- Hybrid Tuner:

VHF-Kanäle: 2-12 (49...230 MHz)

UHF-Kanäle: 21-69 (470...861 MHz)

DVB-C HDTV kompatibel

Eingangsfrequenzbereich: 51...858 MHz

Symbolrate: 1 ... 7 Mbaud/s

Eingangsimpedanz: 75 Ohm

Tuner Ein/Ausgang: IEC-Stecker

DVB-C / DVB-T über Software umschaltbar


2x Common-Interface Stromverbrauch max. 0,35A/5V


Videokompression MPEG-2 / H.264 und MPEG-1 kompatibel

Videostandard PAL G/ 25 Hz, NTSC

Bildformat 4:3 / 16:9

Letterbox für 4:3 TV-Geräte

Ausgang Digital:

Ausgangspegel 0,5 Vss an 75 Ohm

Abtastfrequenzen 32 kHz, 44.1 kHz, 48 kHz

S/PDIF-Ausgang optisch, coaxial (AC3)


Audiokompression MPEG-1 & MPEG-2 Layer I und II, MP3

Audio Mode Dual (main/sub), Stereo

Abtastfrequenzen 32 kHz, 44.1 kHz, 48 kHz, 16 kHz, 22.05 kHz, 24 kHz

Ausgang Analog:

Ausgangspegel L/R 0,5 Vss an 600 Ohm

THD > 60 dB (1 kHz)

Übersprechen < -65 dB


Eingangspegel FBAS 1 Vss +/- 0.25 dB an 75 Ohm


Ausgang: FBAS, RGB, über OSD wählbar


1000/100/10 MBit kompatibles Interface


USB 2.0 Anschluss (3x)

LNB Stromversorgung DVB-S2 Tuner:

LNB Strom 400mA max. , kurzschlussfest

LNB Spannung horizontal "ohne Last 19,5V"17,6V bei 400mA

LNB Spannung vertikal "ohne Last 14,5V " 11,8V bei 400mA

LNB wird im Standby-Modus abgeschaltet

Steuerung der Satellitenpositionen:

DiSEqC 1.0/1.1/1.2 und USALS - Rotor Steuerung


< 15W (im Betrieb, mit LNB)

< 13W (im Betrieb, ohne LNB)

< 0,5W (Deep-Standby-Mode)


230V / 50 Hz Wechselspannung +/- 15%

110V / 60 Hz Wechselspannung +/- 15%


Umgebungstemperatur +15°C...+35°C

Luftfeuchtigkeit < 80%

Abmessungen (B x T x H): 380 mm x 290 mm x 60 mm

Gewicht: 3,0 kg ohne HDD;cHash=db83bf522bc872455bee180b3117e494