BH Non Translatable Strings

You are right, this string comes with yellow button (from

So we must add 2 new strings from this file I did not notice before :

msgid "Dolby Digital / DTS downmix"
msgstr ""
msgid "<unknown>"
msgstr ""

It is like mushroom picking in the forest ...... you never find them all :D

....Because it is like this....It is written in
<unknown> will appear if there is no description about language both for audio and subtitles.

I do not only search new strings by looking at the TV on different screens, but mainly by exploring every single python and .xml files. ;)
At the end of your .po file, skip a line then write:

msgid "Dolby Digital / DTS downmix"
msgstr "" -> put your tranlation between the two "

Then skip a line and do the same for the second string.
You can put them where ever you want : when you compile them to make a .mo file, they are automatically alphabetically sorted out.

By the way, there is no need of the second string <unknown> as it was already present in the list.... The mistake is that probably the coder did not use the correct coding font in the .py file when he wrote that line as if I select the string in the python file and make a search for it in the .po file, notepad++ tells me it does not exist....
Here are the few new strings I found in BH 2.0.7

Unfortunately things are getting worse because someone did introduce in some plugins a new line :

from ..... import _

Which has the effect to make the plugin no more translatable from the main translation file (if this line is removed, of course every thing become translatable again)
For example : MyTube, OpenWebif, CrossEpg.

We really need the help of a coder ...... It will not take more than half an hour for him if I give all details to have at last a bug free image regarding translation. We are just looking for a volunteer ;)


@niglou : Thank you for a file :thanks:. Regarding 3rd party plugins - I think it's better to keep translations separated.

I'll try to do some tests ASAP how to install/use plugins translations as easy as possible ;).
I do not totally agree with you as from my point of view there are 2 kinds of plugins:

The ones which are ALWAYS included in every Black Hole image (eg CrossEpg) : for me they are part of Black Hole, and therefore the translation should be in main translation file (it will save memory as a lot of strings already exist in main image; and they are also already included in the main file as you (and other translators) are using my base-file). Also in general, the translation strings do not change very much from a version to another.

For The other plugins we can download from server, I agree they need their own translation file.
Here are new strings I found again in BH

If the coder can apply the modifications I gave in French translation section, hopefully we will have a high quality level of translation in BH image .


Little mistake in my last new strings list :

Add a dot at the end of "Expand your universe"

Must be like this :
msgid "Expand your universe."
msgstr ""