Black Hole 3.0.1 Vu+ Solo2 OE 3

Thanks Blackhole team..
I've just installed it and it's working really fine, I installed also my favorite pluguins, but one of them could not be installes.
it's Transmission pluguin, I tryed 2 versions: 2.82 and 2.71 but no success. I get this error message in pictures.
So If someone can help it will be great.. and thanks again.transmission 1.jpg transmission 2.jpg
Thank you.
I've installed it; but when i try to setup my wifi connexion, the box tells me that et WLAN extension is not istalled anf that i've to install it.
It worked pretty well in the previous versions

Sorry for my English
This morning, I upgraded my solo2 receiver and after the v3.0.1 update, I can't see the "software update" option in the menu. It should be under Setup menu but it is not here anymore.
Another issue in the new release, I can not start telnet and ftp service and I don't know why...

Thank you very much...
If you have trouble installing network
wireless network
use only NetworkWizard configuration panel.

Do not use adapter settings panel.

