Black Hole 3.0.1 Vu+ Solo2 OE 3

This morning, I upgraded my solo2 receiver and after the v3.0.1 update, I can't see the "software update" option in the menu. It should be under Setup menu but it is not here anymore.
Another issue in the new release, I can not start telnet and ftp service and I don't know why...

Thank you very much...

Image / software update in Black Hole images is

Green button>>Yellow >> Online BH image update
Hi again mates,no support for multiboot in this best image on the planet earth??

No support for multiboot ???

I think you must have OpenMultiboot in Green panel.

If not you have enabled OpenMultiboot in SpeedUP panel ? >> Blue>>Blue>>BH speed Up
If you have trouble installing network
wireless network
use only NetworkWizard configuration panel.
Do not use adapter settings panel.
Thanks Blackhole team..
I've just installed it and it's working really fine, I installed also my favorite pluguins, but one of them could not be installes.
it's Transmission pluguin, I tryed 2 versions: 2.82 and 2.71 but no success. I get this error message in pictures.
So If someone can help it will be great.. and thanks again.

You not have all required files, Python and lib files.
Openmultiboot does not work,you can not sellect an image to reboot.It reboots only the image in flash.Another problem i can not connect the wireless conection... ''there i no lan extesion''...this message appears.
Thank you,anyway
Thank you very much ! but since i installed that version, i noticed a problem with the wireless configuration; everytime it goes offline... when i try to reconfigure it, it says that interface is not installed then i simulate to download an IPK from the addons it goes online again ! is there any solution to that ??

Thanks a lot to BlackHole people! This image rocks!

But some problems:

- First network configuration doesn't detects DNS. It has to be put manually

- I'm installing 3 plugins (wakelan, audipip, etc.) and got lot of errors (like didn't find download urls or packages)

- The most important, I'm trying to run a process compiled to use SSL and I got this error:
error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

Is Openssl installed? I've tried to bringup webif with https 443 support and it runs ok ¿?
Anyone here could help me please? thnx!
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Openmultiboot does not work,you can not sellect an image to reboot.It reboots only the image in flash.Another problem i can not connect the wireless conection... ''there i no lan extesion''...this message appears.
Thank you,anyway

If you have trouble installing network
wireless network
use only NetworkWizard configuration panel.
Do not use adapter settings panel.