Black Hole 3.0.1 Vu+ Solo2 OE 3

Installed, had network recognition issue, then tried Network Wizard – success.

Kodi worked fine for first day, suspect addon updates are not working 100%

TV image screen quality is good.

Thank you
Installing it from Setup > Software Management > install-extensions > System > *TeleText' brought it back to life here, still shows up in the list as not installed though.

I doesnt work for me. Not on the solo 2 or my solo se.
Need ro go back to 2.17 to bad

Plz fix this
This is excellent, and I wander every time a new revision is released how this can get better thah the last!
I would like to see a hanbook/manual for step-by-step reccommenations about EPG.

Very best thanks.
Thanks for the excellent image - Bravo BH Team.

I have OBH 0.1 in flash. Can I install this BH 3.0.1 in Multiboot ( Solo2 )

Installed, had network recognition issue, then tried Network Wizard – success.

Kodi worked fine for first day, suspect addon updates are not working 100%

TV image screen quality is good.

Thank you

How do you install Kodi? Where I can find it?

Or are you talking about of XMBC (13.2 gotham) release included in this image?

Thank you for release, I also have some problems with XBMC ,
could you confirm thaht xbmc was compiled with https support ?