me too.but no one talks about it and idont know why
Hi Guys
I have read this quote
WARNING: This Image has the latest drivers and CAN NOT be installed in multiboot. The image MUST be installed in flash.
Black Hole does not support images not installed in flash.
I have OBH 0.1 in flash and several other images in multiboot . I want to make sure if I can install the latest BH 3.0.1C in multiboot?
Thanks for your patience.
Just go back to 2.1.7 and wait till things get fixed. To much rush to upgrade is not always good. I have been there b4 and is headache. Just go back as it was and keep checking as drivers will all need sorting to work smooth. SorryHow to fix it please? Under 2.1.7 it scanned perfectly fine!
Because BH 2.1.7 is OE2.0 based and BH 3.0.1 is OE3.0 based, therefore there are many differences in the coding, and if you were able to use a backup from 2.1.7 on 3.0.1 there would likely be some compatibility issue's which would cause instability and crashes.Why is it impossible to use your personal backup settings from BH 2.1.7 in BH 3.0.1 ?
Third party panels with ILLEGAL material inside them (like one you have tried to install in your box) are not welcome here.opkg_install_cmd: Cannot install package engima2-plugin-extensions-tspane