Black Hole 3.0.1C Vu+ Solo2 OE 3

Just to add on this on the vu+ latest image there is no problems with the Ci module works perfectly fine so is nothing to ask Vu+ about it. Can anyone plz check the crash error and try help me and everyone else stuck with this problem. Thanks BH team.
Some CI+ CAMs can work also as CI legacy modules if inserted into a CI only system and I think this is the "problem".
Official Vu+ image has "only" CI support so your hardware works into CI Legacy mode.
With BH and VTI, the CI+ mode of the CI+ CAM is invoked and used and this could be the problem.

Both of these possibilities are drived by Vu+ box specific drivers.

Hope this can clarify my position about CI modules.
Some CI+ CAMs can work also as CI legacy modules if inserted into a CI only system and I think this is the "problem".
Official Vu+ image has "only" CI support so your hardware works into CI Legacy mode.
With BH and VTI, the CI+ mode of the CI+ CAM is invoked and used and this could be the problem.

Both of these possibilities are drived by Vu+ box specific drivers.

Hope this can clarify my position about CI modules.
I've updated to Black Hole 3.0.1C Vu+ Solo2 OE 3 and now I'm not able to move in XBMC... arrows doesn't works, I cannot select anything, etc.

I've to get into XMBC web interface (port 82) and click Remote and PowerOff (exit)... arrows in xbmc web interace doesn't works either.

¿? Thnx! Regards.
One question. In open Black Hole when you press the button next to the menu for the recordings you can see the recordings on Vu hard drive . When you press it again you can choose to see an external hard drive or in my case my Synology NAS. Can this be done also in this version of Black Hole. Thanks in advance.
Merry Christmas!
I have a misunderstanding
After I installed the last image B. H. 3.0.1 some plugins I use RAM,, 14% and 97% flash in use.
How can lead to all plug-ins installation on USB stick?