Black Hole 3.0.4 Vu+ Duo2

Hi, could you download 3.0.4D? I have a VU + Duo2 3.0.4 and if I want to update it, it still writes that there are no new updates. Thanks
Hi, could you download 3.0.4D? I have a VU + Duo2 3.0.4 and if I want to update it, it still writes that there are no new updates. Thanks
I think you mast be install BH 3.0.4C [ this is last version ] and in this version will be possible update.
But remember some update is made only to some boxes [ example to ultimo4k ]
Hi, thank you for the great job, it fixed also the epg issue that we had in Italy since months, infact with the 3.04 image now my giud is on again^^.

The only thing that I missed is a nice movie plug in that i had on 2.07 .. but better have the TV guide that the movei browser ;)