Black Hole 3.0.7 Vu+ Zero4k


Vu+ Newbie
Hi AND thanks for The image. I ha e a vu+ ser 4K and I’m new with this box so I have some questions about upgrade:

1.- Is it mandatory to install the upgrade because version 3.0.6 will no longer be supported?
2.- Is it correct to do it via usb and not online?
3 .- I have a backup made by the deco itself but I read that once you update you will not read it to be from an earlier version.
4.- If this is so, I have to copy my folders in etc and then paste them with filezilla? I would not like to lose the list of channels or the picons either.

Many thanks in advance

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Can you please, tell us which vuplus model you are using. Ok Vuplus 4K, but the model?

Hi, this morning was made upgrade from 3.0.6 BH in Vu +. zero 4k but I have a problem with my picons so that main cover in every short channel, they have an extra size and I'm not know how I can change. Add images. Thanks in advance for your help ;)

IMG_2811.jpg IMG_2812.jpg
Sorry but I was answering about a problem appear after upgrade to Black Hole 3.0.7

Now you are in the correct section!

1) Yes, as soon as is launched a new release, the previous one won't be more updated!

2) A new release must be allways flashed by usb ... it can't be updated " via Online update ".

3) Only the settings can be imported to the new release. You can use severall tools ( DreamboxEdit, Dreamset, E-Channelizer ).

4) Don´t mix folders to a new release.

best regards
Now you are in the correct section!

1) Yes, as soon as is launched a new release, the previous one won't be more updated!

2) A new release must be allways flashed by usb ... it can't be updated " via Online update ".

3) Only the settings can be imported to the new release. You can use severall tools ( DreamboxEdit, Dreamset, E-Channelizer ).

4) Don´t mix folders to a new release.

best regards

Thanks for the help. usually I'm using dreambox edit in MAC but I don't know which is the correct size for Vu + zero 4k.
Thanks for the help. usually I'm using dreambox edit in MAC but I don't know which is the correct size for Vu + zero 4k.

Any usb 2.0 device 8GB/16GB will do the job ... i´m using sandisk or kinkgston ... they are cheap now.

best regards
Thanks for the help. usually I'm using dreambox edit in MAC but I don't know which is the correct size for Vu + zero 4k.

For Mac you can use iDreamX.
But you can also save your bouquets simply by OpenWebInterface and its Bouquet editor, just using a browser of your choice. As simple as that.
Thanks for the help. usually I'm using dreambox edit in MAC but I don't know which is the correct size for Vu + zero 4k.

The correct size for all BlackHole images ( BlackHole and Open Blackhole images ) is 220x132 transparent picons.!

Note: Of course for MX ( @Matrix10 skins ) ... the only ones supported on this board and full tested on both images.

best regards