Black Hole 3.0.8 Vu+ Duo2

Yes, I read. This thing and the crashes that others are complaining makes me think only of different hardware, it's just a hypothesis. MB? tuner,? LCD?
How can we compare the hardware?

Just a curiosity, to you and never happened that with lcd4linux configured, while scrolling the. the channel list, does the spinner slow down for a few seconds? Or is yours always very fast?
MB and LCD will be the same.

I have 1x dual dvb-s2 tuner and 1x dual dvb-c/t/t2 tuner installed but this won't have any effect on the issue.

I only used my box today (as in use it to watch tv) for first time in about 3 years, but I noticed no real slow down or spinners when flicking through the channels or going through the channel list.
Il mio e' recente come hardware credo cmq non ricordo se lo feci perche' l'ho preso usato di pochi mesi un anno e mezzo fa', per controllare se lo ho giusto che mi consigli di fare,mi rinfreschi?
Se si tratta di cfe si puo' spiegare l'inghippo altrimenti torniamo alle differenze hardware/plugin ma prima come dici tu vediamo il cfe!

Se non e' questione di cfe,subito dopo potrei provare a sostituire la cartella del plugin LCD4linux con quella della 3.0.4 o credi faccia casino?
Grazie cmq :)

My hardware is recent, I think anyway I don't remember if I did it because I took it used a few months a year and a half ago, to check if I have it right that you advise me to do, refresh me?
If it is a question, you can explain the catch, otherwise we go back to the hardware / plugin differences, but first, as you say, we see the code!
If it is not a matter of cfe, immediately afterwards I could try to replace the LCD4linux plugin folder with that of 3.0.4 or do you think it messes up?
Thanks cmq :)

Prova pure non credo si incasini nulla.
Prova pure non credo si incasini nulla.
Fatto ma purtroppo non cambia nulla, sempre crash loop..
Ma come e' possibile , diamine..
Che sia qualche driver collegato? Che posso fare?
Il bello e' che lo fa se riavvio E2, al riavvio completo regge
Sì lo pensavo perchè lcd4linux non è cambiato.
Secondo me sono i driver che dopo un qualche aggiornamento hanno reso l'lcd instabile.
Sì lo pensavo perchè lcd4linux non è cambiato.
Secondo me sono i driver che dopo un qualche aggiornamento hanno reso l'lcd instabile.

Credi sia possibile provare per testare almeno..mettere i driver precedenti della 3.0.4?
Qualche driver specifico ti viene in mente? In caso dove prenderli?
Poi la cosa che personalmente mi incaponisce e' che escludendo problemi hardware del mio decoder che mi sembrano inverosimili in quanto funziona tutto da sempre, ci devono eessere differenze hardware o qualcosa di diverso visto che a molti va e a qualcuno no.
Se non ti scoccia io sono disponibile a vedermela tutta a costo di montare e smontare il decoder 3000 volte per fare prove.

do you think it is possible to try to test at least .. put the previous drivers of 3.0.4?
Do any specific drivers come to mind? In case where to get them?
Then the thing that personally incapacitates me is that excluding hardware problems of my decoder that seem improbable to me as it has always worked, there must be hardware differences or something different because many people go and some don't.
If it doesn't bother you I'm willing to see it all at the cost of mounting and dismounting the decoder 3000 times to do tests.
i driver li puoi prendere solo dalla imma vecchia ma secondo me non ne vale la pena perchè poi si incasinano le cose e non ne funzionano altre.
Non credo ci sia niente da fare per questo problema che probabilmente dipende da piccole rev. hardware diverse.
Puoi provare a segnalarlo alla vu+
Per segnalarlo cosa serve, che riferimenti devo dare del mio decoder per far capire che tipo di hardware ha ?
Lo potreste fare anche voi magari avrebbe piu' peso?
E' pazzesco dovro' rinunciare a tutti gli aggiornamenti delle img a quanto sembra :(
Almeno se tu mi potessi aiutare per il momento a fixare quel problema della codifica audio manualmente anche se complessa, te ne sarei grato.

To signal it what is it, what references do I need to give to my decoder to make it clear what kind of hardware it has?
Could you do it too maybe you would have more weight?
It's crazy I will have to give up all the img updates as it seems :(
At least if you could help me for the moment to fix that problem of audio coding manually even if complex, I would be grateful.

MB and LCD will be the same.

I have 1x dual dvb-s2 tuner and 1x dual dvb-c/t/t2 tuner installed but this won't have any effect on the issue.

I only used my box today (as in use it to watch tv) for first time in about 3 years, but I noticed no real slow down or spinners when flicking through the channels or going through the channel list.

Excuse me, did you try during your test to restart E2 (not full reboot but only E2)?
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Non si puo' fare non puoi portare questo fix sotto una imma vecchia perchè presuppone aggiornamenti che lì non hai e non puoi avere.
Unico aiuto che posso darti è consigliarti di usare ultima imma aggiornata e disabilitare lcdxlinux o giocare con la sua config per vedere se disabilitando cose riesci a farlo andare senza crash.
Più di questo no posso aiutare sorry.
Non si puo' fare non puoi portare questo fix sotto una imma vecchia perchè presuppone aggiornamenti che lì non hai e non puoi avere.
Unico aiuto che posso darti è consigliarti di usare ultima imma aggiornata e disabilitare lcdxlinux o giocare con la sua config per vedere se disabilitando cose riesci a farlo andare senza crash.
Più di questo no posso aiutare sorry.

Fatto ma anche disabilitando non cambia nulla, ho anche provato diverse config oltre quella di default e anche se lo metti su OFF va sempre in crash loop..devo proprio togliere la cartella per risolvere.
Poi non capisco perche' facendo reboot completo non crasha e se fai reboot E2 si .
Mi aiutate a fare segnalazione a vu+?
Che riferimenti devo dare ?

Done but also disabling does not change anything, I also tried different config beyond the default one but I repeat also if you put it on OFF it always goes to crash loop. I really have to remove the folder to solve.
Then I don't understand why doing complete reboot doesn't crash and if you reboot E2 yes.
Can you help me report to vu +?
What references should I give?
Che con i driver recenti il tuo duo2 e quello di altri utenti crashano al riavvio di enigma a causa di lcd4linux. La cosa non succede con immagini con driver vecchi e succede solo ad alcuni box Resti a disposizione per qualunque chiarimento su ulteriori particolari che riguardano il tuo box e la versione hardware.
Devo dare qualche numero di serie del decoder o altro per fargli capire di che hardware si tratta?

Un altra cosa, questi driver che tu sappia da quale versione bh li portiamo dietro?
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Excuse me, did you try during your test to restart E2 (not full reboot but only E2)?

Yes I have done several E2 restarts aswell as install a couple of plugins, settings from the feeds, change the default language and full reboots.

I have also tried an old lcd4linux config file and again my Duo2 still works perfectly fine.
Ho continuato a fare dei test e forse ho risolto !

Ho sostituito i driver con la bh 3.0.4 e non cambia nulla, crasha sempre al riavvi odi E2.
-Ho reinstallato nuovamente la 3.0.8 e fatto update.
-Disabilitato al riavvio LCD4linux e stavolta Riavviato.
-Al riavvio non crasha piu.
-Ho riabilitato LCD4linux e riavviato il decoder.
-Al riavvio non crasha piu' !!

Sembra risolto ma daro' conferma dopo aver proceduito alla configurazione e testarlo meglio.

Se cosi' fosse non capisco cosa puo' essere..qualche file temporaneo che crea appena installata la img o cosa?
Perche' disabilitando LCD4linux-> riavviando, e poi riabilitando il plugin e riavviando si risolve?

Manco vero mi sembra..
Per chi ha questo problema provi a fare questa procedura !

I continued to do tests and maybe I solved it!
I replaced the drivers with the bh 3.0.4 and it does not change anything, it always crashes at the restart of the E2 mode.
- I reinstalled 3.0.8 again and made an update.
- Disabled at LCD4linux restart and this time restarted.
- At reboot it doesn't crash anymore.
- I re-enabled LCD4linux and restarted the decoder.
-At reboot it doesn't crash anymore !!
It seems solved but I will give confirmation after proceeding with the configuration and testing it better.
If this were the case, I don't understand what can be ... some temporary file that creates the img or what?
Why disabling LCD4linux-> restarting, and then re-enabling the plugin and restarting resolves?
I really miss it ...
For those who have this problem try this procedure!
My opinion but without testing
All these issues are related to skin_user.xml file

I do not have Duo2 now in use and can not test it.
What is going on.
I think. You had an active Lcd4Linux but with the skin_user.xml file in / etc / enigma2 / which is for the LCD without Lcd4Linux.
Lcd4Linux cannot work if in / etc / enigma2 /
there is no adequate skin_user.xml file for use with LCD4Linux.

Where's the bug.
Did you reboot the image after installing the image?
And just after reboot activated the LCD4Linux?
If you are
Then the bug is in the image or update image installation.
If LCD4Linux is enabled and in use.
Which in some way overwrites lcd4linux skin_user.xml file,
with orginal skin_user.xml file for use without lcd4linux.

I still think you've activated LCD4Linux
and you have not made first Reboot image at the first BH 3.0.8 installation.
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My opinion but without testing
All these issues are related to skin_user.xml file

I do not have Duo2 now in use and can not test it.
What is going on.
I think. You had an active Lcd4Linux but with the skin_user.xml file in / etc / enigma2 / which is for the LCD without Lcd4Linux.
Lcd4Linux cannot work if in / etc / enigma2 /
there is no adequate skin_user.xml file for use with LCD4Linux.

Where's the bug.
Did you reboot the image after installing the image?
And just after reboot activated the LCD4Linux?
If you are
Then the bug is in the image or update image installation.
If LCD4Linux is enabled and in use.
Which in some way overwrites lcd4linux skin_user.xml file,
with orginal skin_user.xml file for use without lcd4linux.

I still think you've activated LCD4Linux
and you have not made first Reboot image at the first BH 3.0.8 installation.

LCD4linux is activated by default. As soon as you install the img, it is activated. I make a comparison of what you said.
So you say if I understand correctly, I install the image sept language etc etc and then immediately restart?
It seems to me to have done so but I try again.
Ok I tested what you say (if I understand correctly).
- Installed IMG 3.0.8 clean and set only language, tv and lan, made save to blackhole optimization and immediately restarted.
- At restart tried to restart E2 and crashed always in loop.
- I confirm that LCD4linux is activated on "YES" by default as soon as the IMG is installed
Ok I tested what you say (if I understand correctly).
- Installed IMG 3.0.8 clean and set only language, tv and lan, made save to blackhole optimization and immediately restarted.
- At restart tried to restart E2 and crashed always in loop.
- I confirm that LCD4linux is activated on "YES" by default as soon as the IMG is installed

Unfortunately i can not test here.
I still think it's a problem with configuration files and Lcd4Linux
It needs to be tested by someone from the team with Duo2.
It is strange that @ Ev0 had no problem.
yes is strange but if EV0 give me your complete backup i can try to test in my Duo2
Sorry I only just noticed your reply.

I am not going to post a backup file (as we do not support backup images here).

But anyway I am using the image from post 1 of this thread, which worked fine, then I online updated and it still worked fine.

There is nothing special with it.