On a theoretical basis, you should not have this issue, because what you are doing is absolutely normal. So:
1) the first possibility is that the HDD is faulty and it does not succeed to read some sectors at the first attempt. This 1st hypothesis is not very likely, though.
2) Did you format the HDD by the BH itself, ad so is it formatted as Ext4? If not, do it. If it's already a Ext4 disk, you can also try to check it (Verify file system).
3) It is more likely that yours is a software issue. To check that, the simplest thing is to reflash your box (you can save a FullBackup before that, of course, to be able to restore the current situation afterwards in case the new install does not solve) and leave it totally clean from plugins of every kind, included the supposed harmless autosettings plugins (not so harmless, sometimes): just flash and try some recordings (possibly long enough to engage the HDD).
Try this new install for a appropriate time, because IT devices and software tend to be... a bit naughty.