Black Hole Vu+ Duo 2.1.1

deco frozen playing MKV. Only you can unplug to regain control ... happens with most MKV files.
The search for terrestrial digital channels only find 15 of the 70 that met the 1.7 version, with the same hardware ...
I have flash BH2.1.1

ofter finishing the setup ( langu - resoulions - network - etc.. )

I donot cofiger any tuner and leave both empty

in blach hole speedup I usually diabla all and only enable meoboot

1 - is that ok or there is some thing else that should be enabled ?

I got an 8gb usb flash that I can formate using BH usb format wizard

olso got an HDD 320gb with usb connection but it has some recored file on it

and there is an internal HDD 320gb olso has many recrods on it

2 - which is better for installing meoboot ?

3 - and if its one oe the HDD should I format it first ?

4 -- and what format should be ( ex3 ) or ( ex4 ) ?

5 --- and the important question - how I update the krnel ???

waitig for advice - thank you

sorry for that

anther question

--6-- do I have to create a swap file ?

-- 7 - if so what size should it be

--- 8 -- and when do I have to create it ( in flash image before istalling meoboot ) or after setting image in usb flash