Black Hole Vu+ Duo 2.1.5

Hi Guys,

probably me but i'm downloading the file and unzipping it onto the USB like i usually do but not flashing the box,

Am i doing anything wrong? I'm sure it is,


Many USB stick model do not work. You have to try another model of usb stick I have many that is not recognized.... :)
Then it works again as normal.
Many thanks, I upgraded from 2.1.1 on two machines and I'm finding that 2.1.5 works brilliantly. Decided to add 256Mb swap files, and this is working well too. No crashes yet! Much appreciated.
I have Vu duo 2, and I install 2.1.5 BH image. All are fine, but I have one problem: If I shut down the vu+ (dont stand by, shut down) with remote, then I cant power on with remote. The STB start only with power button on device, with remote dont. Why?
On 2.1.4 it was works...
Probably a naive question but I can't see PVR Client manager or any options for ad don? Is there an ipk file I can ftp for this?