Black Hole Vu+ Duo2 v. 2.0.4

I have loaded this on my VU+Duo2 and overall, it works fine. I had a bit of trouble sorting out how to configure the display, but persevered, and now that works.
BUT… I have no time shift function at all :(
On another system (I tried a few before coming back to BH), VTI I think, I had the same problem, but I got the "Permanent Timeshift" plugin to work. I haven't tried this on BH as it's a bit of an overkill for my needs. The normal time shift would suit me fine if I could get it working.
I read here : duo2-vfd-controller-update.13505/ (I can't post the full link… I'm too much of a newbie ;)), that there's a firmware update for DUO2, which may have something to do with it, as it appears to affect the play/pause key :confused: Trouble is, I can't try this in BH, so I may have to flash back to OEM system to sort this…
I did add the "timeshift" folder that was missing at the root of my HD, and gave it all the privileges, but it made no difference.
If anyone has any ideas, I'd be grateful :thanks:

Pls read this thread:
Pls read this thread: … (I'm not allowed to post threads ;) )
Thanks very much for your answer. I actually sorted tis out last night by going back to the OEM image and doing the firmware upgrade. Then today I found both your reply and BH 2.0.5 which fixes the issue :rolleyes:
It seems that this BH version spoils us Duo2 users, so I'll probably go back to this :cool:
Hi, just got my duo2 today

I am trying to flash 2.0.4, my seem to be stuck,

on the front screen all it say is UBIF5 Update, been there a while

how does s first flash take

changes pen drive, formatted to fat32. Use the most recent. Hello

I guess its a small problem....But How can I set my won short list of favorite channels????

while you are at channel , do the following:-
press Blue>menu> from channel list menu> add bouquet (follow screen instructions)

when finished...exit!

Press Red > all channel list will show up!
Choose the channel U like, press menu,,,etc!

when I have time , will make complete instruction @ the how sections!
while you are at channel , do the following:-
press Blue>menu> from channel list menu> add bouquet (follow screen instructions)

when finished...exit!

Press Red > all channel list will show up!
Choose the channel U like, press menu,,,etc!

when I have time , will make complete instruction @ the how sections!

Thanks for your fast reply and the complete instruction (plan)
while you are at channel , do the following:-
press Blue>menu> from channel list menu> add bouquet (follow screen instructions)

when finished...exit!

Press Red > all channel list will show up!
Choose the channel U like, press menu,,,etc!

when I have time , will make complete instruction @ the how sections!
this is usefull if you have few "favorite", but the problem for me is that I cannot download and use the "precompiled list" as Vhannibal,Cyrrus settings, Isettings plugin ( version 3.09).
I generally use 2 ways:

1) download the setting from the web, after decompressing (zip/rar ) I use a program as Dreamset, Dog setting..or similar and send the setting to STB
2) download the setting from the web, after decompressing (zip/rar ) I use Filezilla to send them in the folder etc/tuxbox and in the folder etc/enigma2 of the STB

Both these ways Always had worked from with any problems (dreambox 8000,CT 9000, Qbox HD) and with a lot of images Enigma2, but know with my new Vu+ Duo2 (Sat+DTT tuners)....
nothing happens in my Galaxy 2.05 where is my mistake ? the only list in the scanned, without the dinstinction bouquets and type of channel (eg News, movies and so on ..)
Thanks a lot to everyone will give me a better way..
this is usefull if you have few "favorite", but the problem for me is that I cannot download and use the "precompiled list" as Vhannibal,Cyrrus settings, Isettings plugin ( version 3.09).
I generally use 2 ways:

download the setting from the web, after decompressing (zip/rar ) I use a program as Dreamset, Dog setting..or similar and send the setting to STB


This way should work, check your DSet connection settings!

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You can use my config for test in ZIP
and picons in ZIP most for Astra 19E

You can edit with name of your city

Picon path 1
I have picons from my zip

Picon path 2 ( i have for standard picons used in OSD and LCD)

1. Unzip and copy my config file in to /etc/enigma2/ ( or edit before )
2.Unzip picons and copy all files (not folders but files) in to /usr/share/enigma2/piconlcd/
3. Download if you like OSD picons from our image server
4.Restart box or Enigma2

This is of course only one of the possibilities
for info in LCD
Other options you can test later.

View attachment 12294
sorry can you tell me where to download same file for astra 28.2
This way should work, check your DSet connection settings!

Hi, finally I found the way...
1 you have to disable the backup option in the "speed up " panel and the multiboot option ( I don't remeber the exact name...)
2 then search the channels and then reboot
3 after these you can update your favorite with a precompiled channel list (usual ways..) and all goes well...
I give my experience to the newcomer...
as said Leonardo da Vinci "Experience is the mother of knowledge............"
I've tested the plugin iSetting2 and work very well into the BH ( Vu+Duo2 1 tuners dual sat and 1 DDT
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