Vu+ Newbie
My ultimo is working with BH177. It's a great job. I like HBBTv. I'm wondering how many stations have this service in Germany
Sorry obout my misteks
Sorry obout my misteks
Firstly thank you for your magnificent image.
I have a problem with the HBBTV and do not know how to pause, fast forward or rewind programs that reproduce.
Should we do something special?
Thanks in advance!
It's a bug and has been fixed by VuPlus today.
Will be avaiable in the next BH.
Hi, after installing this image a few days ago I had a couple of problems, when I tried to install catseye settings the receiver showed the green screen then would not reboot, a reinstall of the image was necessary I then scanned two satellites manually and all seemed ok untill trying the you tube plugin the green screen appeared & the receiver rebooted. The time clock on the display is now 4 minutes slow?. I have used bh images for years & I'am surprised this is happening. Has anyone else had problems? I will try and download this image again or go back to a previous version. Also bh audio is set to NAR by default not the original language could this be sorted out on new images. Thanks
Please see attached crash logs, hope this will help.Post che crashlogs.
Please see attached crash logs, hope this will help.